My Friends on the Net

Here is my friend 'Spellbound's" site..with awesome Native American pages.
I wish to thank him for our connection.
It has bought my memories of past days and rememberance of the Great Sioux Nation.
I wish to honor the man who honors the Native American Indian people.
We are all Related
Thank you for all those wonderful pictures and music.
This is the lovely man in person...
Spellbound's Pages..Indian Site
Les - Spellbound

This is my friend White Wolf who I met on the net.
I have bought some lovely chokers and earrings from him made by his lovely wife, Jean.
White Wolf teaches the Medicine Wheel, has on on-line
site. If you wish to join them, visit his site and follow the instructions.
White Wolf's wisdom shines through his pages and I am honored to know him....
Blessings to you both...always....smile
White Wolf's Pages
My friend White Wolf's Site - Buy Native American Music on the Net
My friend White Wolf

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I have also a connection to a special sight for healing of
all sorts....check it out
This has a book called"the Answer".
Brief information about the New Wisdom and new thoughts
which cures all
kinds of mental and physical diseases,
including Parkinsons disease,
treatment and technique is available at our web site.
Noble Foundation
Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire.
Please come back and visit again!
Email: ingrid@ihug.co.nz