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Reflections of Love

The Beauty of Love is cherished in the hearts of those

that have felt love beat in very core of their being

It is the moment when one meets another being

And recognises the reflection of the soul of their own being

It is the beating of two hearts expressed in the joining

When everything has clarity and hope....

Is it not love of another...that reflects how we view ourselves

We honor our partner and in doing so honor ourselves

When love is is the fresh young bud...glowing with promise...

When love is deeper....the flower is opening...

with the good times and bad....

It is richer...wiser...more fulfilled..

When love is old.....

When the flower is in full bloom...

It is contentment of experience..

From This Moment

To me this is a beautiful song..

My favorite...for it expresses love....

It expresses the joy of beginning of love..

With the committment of love shared with another person...

It is a beautiful song that I envision played at weddings...

I honor the writer of the music.....

The writer of the lyrics.......

And Shania Twain for giving it wind and bringing it alive..

For love is the attraction by which we can see the beauty of this world

Special Events

On this page I wish to honor Shania Twain for her wonderful
music and beautiful voice.
May she always walk in beauty with blessings of Great Spirit.
Share her wonderful talent with the world.

Please wait for the song to download and replay.

If you wish to visit one of her sites...Shania Wav's

I honor Jadiee's Desktop Wallpapers for the lovely picture of Love called embrace

Visit the site.... Jadiee's Wallpapers

<bgsound src="images/fromthismoment.wav" loop=infinite>

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