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To Honor the Maori People of New Zealand

The two pictures were taken at Waitangi in the far North of New Zealand.
The place of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi.
The Treaty of Waitangi was signed on 6th February 1840.
The basis of this agreement was that the Maori people continued possession of the forest and fishing grounds, in return for allegiance to the British Crown.

Researched in the book of New Zealand R D Mayhill & H G Bawden....published 1966.

The native people of this land hold the "mana' (spirit) of many lifetimes.
They traveled in canoes to this land, traceable back to the fourteenth century and where part of the 'Great Fleet".

This land is said to hold very strong spiritual energies.From out in space there is a violet hue that can be seen,that glows from Aotearoa.
It is a land of many scenes, both mountains,valleys, lakes, volcanoes, beaches.
Many people that have visited here have said, "this country has a part of every country in it's land - the fiords are likened to the fiord's of Scandanavia, the Alps are likened to the Austrian mountains".
But see for yourself!
The people here are very friendly and many famous people come here to relax and know that they are treated with respect and dignity for their privacy.
This beautiful land welcomed me as a young child from Holland.
We were one of the many cultures that immigrated in the 50's.

I feel proud to be a KIWI and hope I can share my love for this beautiful land with you!

Two Feathers offers this prayer to the Maori people and to all peoples of the world.

To the People of Aotearoa- Land of the Long White Cloud

Some of our Native Bush up North by Kerikeri.

Blessing and healing healing to all native peoples of the world,
may we all gather from the four corners of the world and with open hearts,unite this world.
The four winds whisper of the ancient knowledge, the connecting of the hearts.
For all those spiritual warriors...stay strong and of bold spirit.
Listen to your elders, learn the old ways.
Balance yourself between the Warrior and the Spirit,
It is the key to the connection with Great Spirit and connection with Mother Earth.
The old ways hold balance and the nurturing of mankind.
Learn well, my friends.
The medicine that has been brought forward from your ancestors,
will long live in your hearts and will heal you.
Live in harmony with the earth for it is our Mother.
For the family is the stronghold of our lives and our wellbeing.
Gather your children to your hearts and teach them well of the earth and it's riches.
For their fruit shall blaze in your hearts and being joy to your soul

Blessings and healing to ALL who read this prayer.
Ingrid Bennett

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