Open then to spirit...many people...
your family are sick...but your energy came before
you and when you saw the people healing themselves...
your journey was to leave and
know that the work had been go further and tell many people...
knowing that
your energy preceded you wherever you went.....
Eagle (spirit always with you helping you and reminding you that they were helping...
wolf the teacher.....with the gentleness of the deer....and the circle of life.....the
Be strong and of good spirit my friend..the vision will help you at many times in your
life and put doubt to rest.
I humbly thanked the council.....
I honor Great Spirit for the connection.
Ingrid -Iyake
The Wolf
O Great Spirit
Help us see the beauty of our world.....
The beauty of the creatures that walk with us.....
Let us all feel the power of the Wolf.....
Wolf shows us the teacher in each of us.....
I stand before Grandfather Sky and Mother Earth
and pray of harmony of this earth....for the two leggeds....
The four leggeds.....the winged ones....the earth crawlers...
The plant life.....the rooted ones......
I pray for healing for all
Ho Make it So
Two Feathers
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