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My Vision

My story of the Vision:
I was bought before the council of elders in a an Indian village, Red cloud, Little Big Man,(my brother) Sitting Bull and others there..... They said: "you have come for questions so we have deemed a vision quest....look into the embers of the fire.....this is the vision.."

The wolf was walking in the Forest with a white feather on his back...
came to a river....swam the river..
dropped the feather off his back and carried and placed at the feet of a deer....
the eagle constantly crying overhead throughout the whole journey.

The deer turned into a n Indian maiden who walked through the night to a village...
there she was taken to a teepee to wait...
she gave a peace pipe wrapped in leather to give to this tribe....
later she was bade the people.

A young man came to see her...talked to her and was in conversation ...
in that conversation they agreed to their lives together.
He wove two hawk feathers in her hair and an owl feather.
They heard of her father being sick in another village so they both journeyed there...
upon their arrival they went to the teepee where they saw the mother giving water to the father where upon he got better...
their work then saw them on a long canoe journey to many places...
often just resting in their own space.....and she dreamed..

and in that dream she saw the wolf and the journey again.

The fire crackled and I was back before the council....
I told the story....and the Chief, and council mumbled together and he spoke....

Your journey of teacher(wolf) with faith and trust of spirit on your back...rode across the river of doubts and fears.
When reaching the other side...took the journey of spirit in his speak of spirit...
carried it to the gentleness of the deer.
The deer transformed into the maiden...
spirit in physical take the message of love gentleness of spirit to other people.
Upon arrive at the village you gave the pipe of peace.....
giving of the information and then waited for the people to accept this message.
Where upon the people accepted that message...and a partner was met with you to help you on the journey of spirit together..
Together your message was spread afar and you were asked to come and help many people
open to the message of their own hearts...
Open then to spirit...many people...
your family are sick...but your energy came before you and when you saw the people healing themselves...
your journey was to leave and know that the work had been go further and tell many people...
knowing that your energy preceded you wherever you went.....
Eagle (spirit always with you helping you and reminding you that they were helping...
wolf the teacher.....with the gentleness of the deer....and the circle of life.....the purpose......

Be strong and of good spirit my friend..the vision will help you at many times in your life and put doubt to rest.

I humbly thanked the council..... I honor Great Spirit for the connection. Ingrid -Iyake

The Wolf

O Great Spirit
Help us see the beauty of our world.....
The beauty of the creatures that walk with us.....
Let us all feel the power of the Wolf.....
Wolf shows us the teacher in each of us.....
I stand before Grandfather Sky and Mother Earth
and pray of harmony of this earth....for the two leggeds....
The four leggeds.....the winged ones....the earth crawlers...
The plant life.....the rooted ones......
I pray for healing for all
Ho Make it So
Two Feathers

<bgsound src="images/DanceoftheWolf.mid" loop=infinite>

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