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A Soul has flown Home

Archangel Michael is with You

My thoughts are with You
It is in this sad time
That I give this card of comfort
To help you remember
That we are not alone
That we are God’s Creation
God’s compassion shines through the clouds
and rain of your tears like the sun.
Warming and comforting you in the gentle breeze of his arms,
To tell you that He is with you
Listen around you to the sounds of Nature
To say He knows and sees everything
He holds Your Loved one to his heart,
Welcomes this Light Being back to the bliss of the Oneness
God lets you know that Your Loved One is at peace
He reaches through the dimensions to restore your trust by sending you a connection of Love.
Look around you today and see the confirmation of His words and deeds
Through the expression of His Creation of Humankind
The people around you extending themselves in all ways
To show they care

This is how God shows his Love..
Choose to see God’s comfort at this time and you will feel the closeness of Your Loved One
To show that you are not alone.
He sends His Angels to watch over you
Someone in your midst is an Angel
Sent especially from God to help you through this.
So rejoice in this comfort
You may recognise this person
They are the people who spread warmth and comfort
They are the people who do those things that you cannot at this time
They are the Angels of this world
Supported by the Archangels Angels in the realms of Love and Oneness.
Look around you, for You have been an Angel in times of comfort for another.
Now it is your turn to receive.
God’s Love shines
Your Loved One Shines
All is one

Archangel Michael is drawn by my good friend Debsi - Spiritual Artist
She resides in Auckland.

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