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I won a Prestigious Mango!

Keith Turner, me, is going to be a junior in high school, age 16. I have had this webpage for quite a while, but it, until recently, was The Page Of...KEITH TURNER!!!. Now, being it summer and I always have nothing to do in the summer, I am using my time constructively and organizing my webpage better. Some of the long time followers of this page will recall that it was pretty cluttered.

I like: working on my webpage, chatting, hanging out with my friends (especially Dan and Joel, but ONLY WHEN IT'S LEGAL!!!!! ;)(ask me later)), my dog, Basil, and many other things.

I also like meeting random friends, so if you have AIM, ICQ, or Yahoo, look me up, I'd be happy to talk to you.

I would like to thank Angelfire, for hosting my page for free and making it so easy to work on;, for the NEATO chat room!;, for the counter, the cards, and the guestbook; ICQ, for being really cool; my friends, for being there; my family, also for being there; and last but not least, Gateway, for making my whole computer experience thingie possible.

ICQ #:28976882
AIM SN:Pythoniac3
Yahoo SN:wcs_scyther
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