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Win a KeithAward!

The real one is a moving gif, REALLY cool, you'll have to win to see it tho. ;)
Fill out and submit the form below. After you have done that, it'll take you to a thank-you page, with further instructions. Good luck!
What's your name?

Your e-mail address?

Your webpage's url?

Your webpage's name?

Do you deserve a KeithAward?
Yes No
Why or why not?

What kind of page do you have?
Personal webpage.
Business-related webpage.
Organization's webpage.

What do you like about KeithWorld? Check all that apply:
Random Midis.
Keith's Links.
Cool and Uncool List.
The Design of it.
Keith's Pics.

What can be changed for the better about KeithWorld?


Winners of the KeithAward!

*Do you wonder what you're looking at? Me too*
Asiram and reverse it
Tango To Hell: A Mark Site (This is better for me than it is for him: I have a link on Solosier! WHOO! :) )
The Loft: Livvy's Bohemian Pad
Peace, Love, and Bulletproof Marshmallows!
Ankh's World!
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