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Hey all, do you like the chat thing? Tell your friends about it, and check back regularly, ill be here a lot. If you dont see anything, you have a stupid computer and I pity you for that. Get a new browser... Oh and don't be freaked out if somebody you don't know comes on, lists this room in the "teen" section whenever someone's in here. It's neato, talk to them! Encourage them to visit the rest of the site. To sign on: Where it says "Guest" put your name. That simple, you dont need a password, just put your name where it says "Guest". If you are reading this and have come here through KeithWorld, please make you name like this: Whatever(KW). So I will be Keith(KW). Jimbo will be Jimbo(KW), and so forth. This is to keep the random's and the non-randoms apart. Thanks, and happy chatting!

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