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Dani's Art!


This is a collection of art by Dani. She made these with some painting program on the computer! Aren't they good? And especially for computer art, I bet YOU couldn't do that ;)! I decided to put them online when I found them while doing some cleaning up, and I thought:
1) These are REALLY GOOD! and
2) Dani sure is a good friend of mine, I'd like to do something nice for her.
So Dani, this page is for you. Thanks for randomly finding me, you've been a great friend. Oh, and BTW, happy anniversary ( ;] ) in about 4 months. Alright, now for the art!

Isn't this good stuff? It's very much like Bill Watterson's drawings. I especially like the blue spray for the snow.

A dragon. Do you like the shading? That was the main thing I noticed about this pic.

A few planets. My favorite part about this one is the spattering of white stars in the background to make it more interesting.

The second of the space-related pics. I love this one. Since I play a lot of sci-fi games and things, this really clicks with me. Once again, the white stars really add to it.

A surfer. Doesn't surprise me, coming from you, Dani, the surfer chick queen... ;). This is a good drawing of a person. I think the hardest thing to draw (on computer or otherwise) is people. I don't know why, it just is, but this is a very nice job of doing it.

An abstract of rounded squares. This is really cool. However easy it may have been to make (compared to her others), I still like this one's attractiveness. It's just neat to look at, and that's what I like about all abstract art...
Well, that's about it for the art I have that Dani made. Dani, scan and send me some of your other stuff, like your charcoals you were talking about. I want those up here, too, I'm sure they're marvelous. Once again, thanks for being my friend. And the rest of you, hope you enjoyed this stuff, hopefully there'll be more on the way!
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