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Movies page 1


(I need a way to get screenshots...)
The first part of this was made by ospbaboon, and the second part was both of us. It's the funniest of my violent films. Some of them have good special effects, but this one is the funniest in terms of dialogue.

Oh no, a rat!

(I need a way to get screenshots...)
I made this one at ospbaboon's too. By far it's the most tame of my movies. In fact the only red in it is when a rat explodes from eating a man. Good use of time...

Cafe Arabia of death

(I need a way to get screenshots...)
The title came from a movie I was making called "Cafe Arabia" which was the exact same as this one, but I had my mom do some voice acting, and when she found out it was going to be violent, she was like, "I won't star in any violent movies." So I renamed the existing half and took her voice out. Now I have to make a non violent movie with her voice in it... It's about a man who shoots 4 people in a restaurant.

Coffee house massacre

(I need a way to get screenshots...)
This movie contains the best special effects I have done. It's the first instance of the "3D asterisks for blood spots" technique and the "stretched red cylinders for laser sights and bullets going through people" technique. Good movie.
Expect more soon!