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Your 2&1/2 cents worth

Tell Me Your View

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
WhoWhere? - The Best Communications Guide on the Web
DigitSmith, Inc. - Embroidery Digitizing & Custom Embroidery Services
Matt's Script Archive - Awesome Web Server Scripts

In this room you can get any thing off of your chest, it is called your 2&1/2 cents worth. You can give me your oponion on anything and as long as it is in good taste I will put it on this page, there are no specific topics here, you can tell the world your pet peaves, or anything on your mind, all you have to do is e-mail me and tell me whats on your mind. Your email address will be erased as soon as your comments are written to the page and total privacy is promised.

Your 2 & 1/2 cents Worth

If we are the politions boss,can we fire Ken Starr

Mi. man

We wear our pants down to our knees because it is our thing, you had hoop skirts we have low riders.

Ca. teen

Our generation was no where this disrespectfull.

Oh. mom
