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Dads Room

My Favorite Links

All out doors, even Paul Bunyan and his blue ox would feel right at home
Us men feel the need for speed, find it at NASCAR home page
ESPN------hey they got it all
National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum

Phesant hunting has not been what it used to be but that is what we get for letting our CRP land go, the coach of the Hawks has retiered, Hello Bobby Stoops, and by the way, mark my words, Rick Majaris will be the next basketball coach at the University of Iowa.

With hunting season just around the corner, email me with some hunting tips or your own hunting stories you would like to share with others,later on in the year I will share some of mine with you.

This is just the start of what you will find in my room, I love most sports and hey, what about Tim the Tool Man Taylor, is he the man or what, my goal is to make this the ultimate guy room on the web, angelfire does not allow any pics that some guys want to see but I think we can make this the DADS room without them, I will tell you up front that I am an avid Iowa Hawkeye fan(best wrestlers in the world) and I think the Big Ten rules the sporting world but I also know you feel the same way about your school and your conference so everything is open for debate in my room, ladies if you got here by mistake you can go to Moms Room, unless you want to join in the wide world of sports, tall tales and wishfull thinking that make us men, you can stay as long as you don't try to hard to figure us out or change our way of thinking, we love ya but we need our football.

So men lets get together, have a beer and have a good time. Email me about anything you want and there is a good chance it will show up here for all of the rest of us to see, lets stick together and god bless sports and fast cars.
