Members Pages
Memories of Who Tribute Page
- Bill Albert
This Week In Doctor Who
- Benjamin F. Elliott
Guns of Doctor Who
- Kevin Litten
Jeff's Page
- Jeff Elston
Valkyrie's Doctor Who Tattoo and Vegetarian Recipes
- Valkyrie
Dreams and Diversions
- Mike Williams
Utopian Home Presence
- Fredd Gorham
Mark Donovan
- Homepage
Lea Hays
- Homepage
Official Sites
The official BBC
Doctor Who
Big Finish Productions,
the producers of the current CD series
BBV Online,
the web presence of BBV Productions (Auton Trilogy, the Stranger series, etc.)
The Restoration Team,
those intrepid souls who labor to bring us those really cool BBC audio, video, and (soon) DVD releases.
Doctor Who
web guide
News and Resources Sites
Outpost Gallifrey,
place to go for
Doctor Who
news, reviews, andinformation on the Gallifrey conventions.
The Doctor Who Image Archive
has more photos and screencaps than you can imagine, run by Steve Hill.
The Doctor Who Cuttings Archive
houses a ton of newspaper clippings, ads, etc.
Fellow Mid-west
Doctor Who
Fan Clubs
Chronicles of Who
, those, erm, interesting, people responsible for thefanzine
and and the fan-film "The Master: The Sinister Smell of Success".
The Saint Louis Celestial Intervention Agency
whom we met at Chicago TARDIS 2000. A fine bunch of people..
Doctor Who
and Local Science Fiction Conventions
DemiCon XVI
- JULY 29-31, 2005 in Des Moines, Ia.
- October 28-30, 2005 in Cedar Rapids, Ia
Chicago TARDIS 2005
- Thanksgiving Weekend at theWyndham O'Hare, Rosemont IL
Gallifrey One in the 17 1/2th Century
- February 17-19, 2005 at the Los Angeles Airport Marriott Hotel, Los Angeles, CA