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Ask Alyson

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Hey! I need your help with this page... there is no way I can keep a page like this up and running without your help! So for now, this is an experimental page... if nobody gives me questions, then I will just delete this page, but if all goes well, I'll keep it up! This is a sort-of-like advice page... So, if you have any questions... any at all... just send an e-mail to and I will reply to your question... don't worry I'll make sure to keep all of the questions annonymous on this page... I will send you an e-mail notifying you that your question was posted on my page... it might take me a little while to reply to your e-mail and get your quetion posted as I don't get on the internet every day... but I'll get back to you as soon as possible! Thanks a bunch! and PLEASE help me out here!

Ok, I finally got ONE question! (a special thanks to the 1st person to give me a question! You know who you are!)

  • 1)How many licks does it take to get tot the center of a tootsie pop?

  • A:Well, I would hafta say... Give me about a week to answer this one, but I promise, I WILL get to it! I just hafta go out and buy myself a tootsie pop... then I'll tell you the answer you've all been waiting for!
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