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Columbine High School

I would like everyone to take a moment to pray about the tragedy at Columbine in Littleton Colorado. Please take time to think of the tragedy and how you can prevent it from happening in your school. Atleast 3(that I know of)out of the 15 dead were christians. One even died because she was a christian. One of the shooters went into the classroom she was in and said, "Does anyone believe in Christ?" She was brave. She stood up and said, "I do!" And They shot her. She choose to stand up even though the guy had a gun and admited that she was a christian. Would you have done the same thing? or not? I am interested in knowing if you would do the same thing, so e-mail me and let me know what you would have done in that situation. In the tragedy at Columbine High School, 15 died, the 2 gunmen, 8 male students, 4 female students, and 1 male teacher. 28 students/faculty were wounded, including one girl who got 9 sharpnel and bullet wounds. Why did this have to happen? The dead include: 3 christians: John Robert Tomlin, 18; Rachel Scott, 17; Cassie Bernall; The Gunmen: Eric Harris, 18; Dylan Klebold, 17; Others: Steven Lurnow; Corey DePooter, 17; Kelly Fleming, 16; Lauren Townsend, 18; Kyle Velasquez; Isaiah Shoels, 18; William "Dave" Sanders, 47; Daniel Rohrbough; Daniel Mauser, 15; Matthew Kechter, 16; The injured include: Valeen Schurrm, 18; Anne Marie Hochhalter, 17; Sean Graves, 15; Richard Castaldo, 17; Brian Anderson, 17; Nicole Nowlen, 16; Mark Taylor, 16; Mark Kingen, 17; Lance Kirklin, 16; Lisa Kreutz, 18; Jeanna Park, 18; Jennifer Doyle, 17; Dan Steepleton, 17; Joyce Jankowski, 45; Pat Nielson, 35; Kasey Ruegsegger, 17; Makai Hall, 19; Patrick Ireland, 17; 4 unknown males; 1 unknown female. Look at all those names of people who are dead or injured because of someone else's choice of revenge. I will keep them in my prayers and I hope you will too. I ask that you just take a moment out of your day to think or pray for the people of Littleton, Colorado that are suffering right now. Thanks

The ABC News Website with great stories on the shooting
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