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Looking For A Good Value?

Lugging two huge suitcases, Dave trudges up the steps. His family has just driven six hundred miles. Aunt Bonnie meets them at the door with tears in her eyes.
The living room is crammed with older people, many of them sniffling. About a million dishes of food sit on the table in the kitchen. Dave has one goal in mind-to grab some of that food and head for the TV set in the basement.
A white-haired woman approaches him in the kitchen. "I'm sorry about your Uncle Pete. He was a really godly man."

Look It Up~ Dave nods, grabs his food and rushes downstairs. Under his breath, he says in a mocking voice, "'He was a really godly man.' Big deal! He was also sick all the time, he was little, he never finished high school, and he never had a decent job. What's so great about being godly?"
Hey, Dave, glad you asked. Check out this verse: "For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come" 1 Timothy 4:8.
"Value for all things" makes godliness the best value in the world (and in the next world)!

Think It Through~ Two jobs are available. One offers big bucks, but only until the summer ends. The other pays well now, and it promises millions in the future. Which will you take?
The point? Godliness pays temporal and eternal dividends! What are some of the present blessings of a godly life? Are you enjoying these benefits? Right now in your life, are you devoted to God? Are you living a life that is pleasing to him? Put more simply, are you a godly person?

Work It Out~ List some of the things the world values. How many of these things will be valuable in the life to come?
You might want to pray this: "Lord, help me to realize that godliness has value not just now but forever. Teach me what it means to be godly. Deepen my devotion to you. Amen."

Nail It Down~ Read about Enoch, a godly man, in Genesis 5:24.

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