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Was There A Beginning In The Beginning?

In science class, Alene is being exposed to the latest theories about the origin of the universe.
"Students, some scientists believe the big bang theory that the cosmos suddenly exploded into existence by chance about 15 billion years ago. Others think the universe has always existed. Those are probably the two best theories."
Look It Up~ Without chemical details, mentions of atomic theory, descriptions of pulsars or precise dates. tje Bible asserts: "In the beginning God created the heaves and the earth" (Genesis 1:1).
Someone has suggested that the reason for this lack of technical information is that the Bible wasn't written as a science textbook. It's primarily a revelation from God about how we can know him.
So while it doesn't answer every little question about origins, the Bible does answer the big one: The universe is not the product of blind chance, and it hasn't always existed. It was specially created by God.
Think It Through~ Follow this reasoning:

Work It Out~ Is the debate over origins important? Most definately. Is it hard to comprehend? You bet.
All the more reason to pray: "Father, I probably will never understand all the technical arguments on the subject of origins. But at least give me a good general grasp of the main issues so that I can stand against the attacks on my faith that are sure to come. Amen."
Nail It Down~ Read the story of beginnings in Genesis 1.

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