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God's Patience With Human Rebellion

After watching a news report about a homosexual minister, Lou Ann is disgusted.
"That is so gross! How can he be like that? More than that, how can he stand there and say that God is happy about what he's doing?"
Later Lou Ann is even more appalled by a documentary featuring several prominent scientists. In the program the scholars ridicule belief in a Supreme Being and attack the accuracy of the Bible.
"Why does God let them get away with that?"

Look It Up~ The answer is simple-God is patient!
He is patient when his own children slip into sin. "Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance?" Romans 2:4.
He also demonstrates patience toward unbelieving sinners. "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance" 2 Peter 3:9.

Think It Through~ The Bible says that God is "slow to anger" Exodus 34:6; Nahum 1:3. That phrase shows God's incredible patience. But it also hints at another truth: We can, humanly speaking, exhaust God's patience and make him angry. (Definately not a wise move!)
Are you involved in sinful behavior that may be testing God's patience?

Work It Out~ Let God's patience motivate you today.
1. Pray for the salvation of the wildest, most rebellious person you know.
2. Eliminate a habit that you know is wrong.
3. Spend a few minutes thanking God for putting up with your foolish mistakes and repeated sins.
4. Reread the story of the lost son and patient father in Luke 15: 11-32.
5. Forgive that person who hurt your feelings this week. In other words, be as patient with others as God has been with you.

Nail It Down~ Consider the patience Noah must have during those last weeks on the ark as recorded in Genesis 8:3-17.

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