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A Precedent

Somewhere there must be a reason
Why sin recruits every man;
Though God could foresee this problem,
Sin altered His original plan.

Knowing precisely what would happen,
God placed man in Eden;
This was man's chance to label himself
A "disicple," "atheist" or "heathen."

Shortly thereafter, temptation grew strong
As a serpant joined man to play;
"So divine it would be," whispered the serpant,
"If you'd just see things my way."

Man then stopped to reconsider--
His advantages he evaluated;
And when the scales tipped more for the serpant,
Man knew he had just been persuaded.

In much dismay God was by now,
As he watched the scene from aboce;
He then revealed the consequences
Of accepting the serpant's love.

Eden had, thus, become impure;
Man's departure was now demanded.
For he was no longer welcome there--
A "sinner" he had not been branded.

So here we see why man will sin,
He has practiced it since that day;
The most we can do is ask God's forgiveness,
Whenever we act this way.

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