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Purity In A Polluted World

Johnny and Angie just ended their relationship. After a year together, their break-up is sad, but not nearly as difficult as it would be if the Central High juniors had been sexually involved.
See that was a commitment they made from the very start-no messing around! And because they worked hard to keep their relationship pure, they're able to be friends.

Look It Up~ How can you be pure in a polluted world?
1. Fill your mind with pure thoughts, Philippians 4:8, not media garbage.
2. Find pure friends who can encourage you to walk with God, 1 Corinthians 5:11; 15:33.
3. Reject the philosophy that says, "Live fir the moment!"
Remember that today's pleasure very often leads to tomorrow's pain. "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man's reaps what he sows" Galations 6:7.

Think It Through~ Which of the following items would encourage sexual purity? What activities might be dangerous?
* time alone
* praying together
* suggestive clothing
* unplanned dates
* watching sexy videos
* setting standards
* being accountable to someone

Work It Out~ Come up with a good response for each of the following stupid lines, we've given you a hint in each case:
* "Real men are sexually active."/So is my real dog.
* "If you loved me, you'd let me."/If you loved me, you wouldn't ask.
* "But I want to."/Well, I don't.
* "Everyone's doing it."/Not true. I'm somebody, and I'm not doing it.
* "Have you ever done it."/Have you ever made the wonderful discovery of knowing Jesus Christ?
* "Don't you love me?"/Yeah, but I love God more.
* "I won't get you pregnant."/That's right, because you're not going to touch me.
* "If you won't let me, I'll find someone who will."/IT was nice knowing you.
* "But you owe me!"/Okay, I'll get you a key chain or something.

Nail It Down~ Read God's response to impure sexual acts in Leviticus 20:10-21.

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