
I received most of these through chain letters - thanks to everyone that I got these from.
Note: From now on, the most recent additions will be added to the top of the list. Also- I'll no longer be forwarding these to anyone via email... I'll post the best ones up here and you can view them from this location. Now you can all quit nagging me about sending you 2348720384 forwards.

Just Looking Around
New Math
Dead Cat
Growing Up
Over Quota
Top 10 Things Never To Say To A Cop
Regection Lines
Evolution Taught
A Big Jump
Fwd: This is not a forward!
It Depends Whose Hands It's In
On A Positive Note
Useless Facts
Things Guys Think Girls Should Know
Death of the Pillsbury Doughboy
Fun Things To Do at a Garage or Yard Sale
Actual Bumper Stickers
The 10 Teen Commandments
49 Things To Do In A Boring Lecture
Is hell exothermic or endothermic?
Things Aren't Always What They Seem
Are You Normal?
The Power Of Your Actions
If Tomorrow Never Comes
Atheist Couple
Slow Dance
Coutroom Questions
Something To Think About
25 Things The PERFECT Guy Would Do
Hell Is Real
11 Things
How To Tell If Your Cat Is Planning To Kill You
If You Were To Get An Email From God
Too Big, Too Little
The Holy Water


Funny pics
Bad To The Bone
Priceless Pic
Why Cousins Shouldn't Marry

Hott guy pics...
Abercrombie Model #1
Abercrombie Model #2
Abercrombie Model #3
Abercrombie Model #4
Abercrombie Model #5
Baseball Dude
Hottie on the Beach
