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1. Ringo Starr,John Lennon,Paul McCartney and George Harrison.
Explanation: Ringo's birthday is July 7,1940.John's is October 9,1940.Paul's is June 18,1942 and George comes in last with February 25 1943.

2. A Hard Day's Night.
Explanation: At the time they went to record AHDN,John had written several songs,he was at a particularly creative peak.Most of the 13 songs are his.As well as George getting his one song on there.

3. George Martin.
Explanation: It was George's opinion and influence that got them signed to EMI.

4. NEMS.
Explanation: North End Music Stores were ran by Brian himself.There were two of them at the time.He was in charge of everything.

5. Free as a Bird;Real Love
Explanation: Yoko gave Paul and the boys some demoes of John's that were recorded shortly before he was killed.They remastered them,added more music and their own vocals and voila!Two new Beatles songs for a new generation and for the old generation to love!

6. Five.
Explanation: A Hard Day's Night,Help!,Magical Mystery Tour,Yellow Submarine and Let It Be.AHDN was filmed in 1964 and was filmed on a tight budget,yet it was hugely successful and established the Beatles as screen stars.Help! was the 1965 follow-up to AHDN.It was in color(AHDN was filmed in black and white) and had exotic locales(The Austrian Alps and the Bahamas).The film was successful,but not with the Beatles as much as with the fans.Magical Mystery Tour was a self-produced and directed Beatles project after Brian died.It was a flop,although it is a very interesting film for it's time.It came out in 1967.Yellow Submarine was a Beatles cartoon movie.It was filmed in 1968.The Beatles do not do their own voices on it and only make one appearance,at the end!Let It Be was the 1970 filming of the Beatles breaking up,literally.They had originally set out to video themselves recording and rehearsing an album but all the cameras and extra people in the studio only seemed to accent the fact that the Beatles weren't four lovable moptops anymore.They had become four unique men.

7. Cavern
Explanation: The Cavern Club,located on Mathew Street,is where the Beatles played more than anywhere else.There could be several other clubs,but this is the one I wanted from you.You could have said Jacaranda or the Casbah.

8. John
Explanation: John married Cynthia in 1962,when Cyn found out she was pregnant.Knowing it was the right and ONLY thing to do,John married her.Ringo followed in 1964 to Maureen.George in 1966 with Pattie and Paul and John(again) in 1969 to Linda and Yoko,respectively.

9. Paul
Explanation: Paul dreamed the song in his sleep.After a month of asking people about it,he figured it must be his and recorded it.George Martin couldn't see what any of the other could contribute and therefore it was Paul,on an acoustic and a string quartet.

10. Come Together.
Explanation: Sorry,I was listening to that song at the moment.Check the Abbey Road lyrics page for it.

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