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Things We Said Today

This is the page for the things they've said,verbally.

Question: Do you go to the barber at all?
Paul: Now and then. Do and don't.
Question: Just to keep it trimmed?
Paul: Yeah, but sometimes we do it ourselves. The thing is, it's really only our eyebrows that are growing upwards.

Question: The French have not made up their minds about the Beatles. What do you think of them?
John: Oh, we like the Beatles. They're gear.
Question: Do you like topless bathing suits?
Ringo: We've been wearing them for years.

(*)"I don't intend to be a performing flea anymore. I was a dream weaver, but although I'll be around I don't intend to be running at 20 000 miles an hour trying to prove myself. I don't want to die at 40." John Lennon

(*)"With 2 guitarists, with John and George, it was always John saying, "Put that (his amp) up a bit" and then George would come in and put his up a bit, then George Martin would be saying, "can you turn the Amps down please?" and John would look at George and say, "how much are you going down?", Let's go down to five, alright?", and John would go down to six. "ok, I'm at five!" "you bugger, you're not, you're at six!" There was always this terrible rivalry." Paul

(*)Reporter: Will you sing something for us?
All four: "NO!
Reporter: "Can you sing at all?"
John: "No, we need money first."

(*)"Will the people in the cheaper seats clap your hands? And the rest of you, if you'll just rattle your jewellery." John Lennon(1963 at the high point of the group's set during the Royal Variety Performance before members of the British Royal Family)

(*)Reporter: What would you do if the fans broke through the police barriers?
George:"We'd die laughing."

(*)"You don't need anybody to tell you who you are or what you are. You are what you are!"-John Lennon

(*)"Am I crazy or am I a genius? I don't think I'm either" -John Lennon

(*)"Music is everybody's possession. It's only publishers who think that people own it." -John Lennon

(*)"I'm always good for starting a bit of a tune and the first verse, but after that I just can never go anywhere. It takes me years, that's why I'm so slow." -Ringo Starr

(*)"Us, communists? Why, we can't be communists! We're the world's number one capitalists! Imagine us, communists!" -Paul McCartney

(^)"A conspiracy of silence speaks more than words"-John Lennon

(^)"once you go off and do something you can't go off pleasing everyone,so screw it"-John Lennon

(*)"The first thing when we heard people were going to do a cartoon...have a man, who sailed to sea, and went to the land of submarines.Sounds like a pretty good story. Go down under the water, see all these things, meet all the people that live there. But we were into kind of psychedelic stuff with Pepper and those kind of things, so they wanted more of that kind of stuff. So it was up to them, anyway, so we went along with that. And they had all the Sea of Holes and all that stuff, which I think, seeing it now, is pretty good. You know, it's quite interesting, really..." Yellow Submarine,Paul

(*)" it was very exciting, we got on a train at Marylebone Station one day, and so the train took off and we were in a film...and there were these little girls, schoolgirls in gym slips who were actually models, and we were of course, quite fascinated with them and George married one, Patti, Patti Boyd who's one of the girls on the train..." AHDN,Paul

(*)"In color...Yeah, wow, see? They had more money for that one..." Help!,George

(*)"By then we were smoking marijuana for breakfast, at that period, and we were well into marijuana, and nobody could communicate with us because it was just four glazed eyes giggling all the time." Help!,John

(*)"I think that was one of the reasons for not learning the script. We'd just sort of showed up a bit stoned, and sort of smiled a lot and hoped we'd get through it." Help!,Paul

(*)"I'm not sure, uh, it could've been mine, I'm not sure whether I wanna (laughs) take the blame for it, you know. Umm, we were all in on it, but a lot of that stuff at that time could've been my ideas 'cause I was coming up with a lot of, sort of concepts, like, you know, Sgt. Pepper, we could pretend to not be..and I'm not saying it was my album, obviously we all worked on all the stuff, but I was coming up with a lot of ideas." MMT,Paul

(*)"The thing on the roof that I always feel let down by are the police. 'Cause someone in the neighborhood had called the police and the police came up and I was playin' away and I thought, 'Oh great!,' you know, 'I hope they drag me off!' You know, I wanted the cops to drag me off..'Get off those drums!,' 'cause we were being filmed and it would've been really great, but they didn't, of course. The just came bumbling in, 'You've gotta turn that sound down!' It could've been fabulous..." Let It Be,Ringo

(*)"We've already bought all our dreams. We want to share that possibility with others. When we were touring, and when the adoration and hysteria were at a peak, if we'd been the shrewdoperators we were often made out to be, we might have thought -- that's nice! Ah. Click. Let's use this for own evil ends. But there's no desire in any of our heads to take over theworld. That was Hitler.That's what he wanted to do. There is, however, a desire to get power in order to use it for good."-Paul

(*)"I think people who can live a life in music are telling the world, "You can have my love, you can have my smiles. Forget the bad parts, you don't need them. Just take the music, the goodness, because it's the very best, and it's the part I give most willingly" -george

(*)"The Beatles saved the world from boredom." -george

(*)At the Beatles first EMI sessions, 1962
George Martin (to group): "Let me know if there's anything you don't like."
George Harrison: "Well, for a start, I don't like your tie."

(*)Reporter: Why do you think you get more fan mail than the other Beatles?
Ringo: " I don't know. I suppose it's because more people write me."

(*)"There's a lot of random in our songs...writing, thinking, letting others think of bits-then bam, you've the jigsaw puzzle." -Paul


(*) contributed by Caroline (^) contributed by Brittany