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One Boy's Plea

They open the door, out I go
Why? I am not at all sure,
I follow a fragrance on the breeze
Yes, I have done this before.

I jump the fence, and fall in a ditch,
Scramble up and follow that scent,
I'd rather be safe with my folks tonight, peacefully and content.

I think back to all of those fun-filled days,
When I played at chewing my toys,
Yipping and yapping and digging holes
They said "oh boys will be boys".

Now I lay by the side of the road,
Broken, afraid and dreaming of home,
I wish they had done something for me,
To stop my desire to roam!

Last time I bolted it wasn't this bad,
There were six bigger guys waiting too,
My ear is half gone but nearly healed,
My shoulder is still bitten through.

I'm losing my will to live this life,
Through a haze of blood and pain,
Please family if you get me back,
'FIX' me so I don't do this again.

By Ginny M. Symkowiak

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