Betatropolis, unlike Arcanea, is completely technology oriented, rather than magic oriented. It is almost completely run by a corporation known as SiCorp, which owns nearly every business and service in the city, aside from a few private enterprises. The mayor really has very little importance in the enormous city, and it is indirectly run instead by the corporate titan known as Tyrell "Ty" Sibaxe. Ty won the war of the corporate titans, which lasted for twelve years, after Andall Serge, the previous corporate titan to run the city was thrown out of power. Serge was thrown out of power due to his betrayal of the entire populace of Betatropolis. After that, various corporate titans that had been secretly hoping for control of the city rose up, and waged a war against each other. In the end, through strategy and ruthlessness, Ty won.
Employees of SiCorp
Ty (President)
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