"The mind is willing but the flesh is weak", truly aplies to a person over 50. It takes just a little longer to get things moving and the pain, excuse me, stiffness, serves as a constant reminder that you are no longer twenty-something.
Our health and things medical become important topics of conversation and concern. Health care plans, community insurance groups, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, are red-tape mazes that boggle the mind. Minor ailments or major health problems become monsters unless we keep ourselves informed.
The following have been useful to me in seeking to understand and deal with family health concerns. I will add more as I locate them.
Healthcare connections. . .
Hardin Library Medical Index
Prescription Drug Information
Social Security Questions and Answers
America's Doctor/University of Iowa Healthcare
Colonial diseases and cures (??-UGH!!)
Independent voices of the information age
Dr. Koop's Community
Government's no-frills gate to health info
Women's health issues
Johns Hopkins Health Information page
University of Iowa Virtual Hospital
Health site for non-doctors
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics