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Name: David Jay Allinson
Rank/Branch: O3/US Air Force
Unit: 354TH Tactical Fighter Squadron
Date of Birth: 17 September 1932
Home City of Record: Helena MT
Date of Loss: 12 August 1966
Country of Loss: North Vietnam
Loss Coordinates: 213500N 1044500E (VK666119)
Status (in 1973): Missing in Action
Category: 2
Aircraft/Vehicle/Ground: F105D
Other Personnel in Incident: (none missing)

Compiled by Homecoming II Project 1 July 1990 from one or more of the following: raw data from U.S. Government agency sources, correspondence with POW/MIA families, published sources, interviews.


The F105 Thunderchief ("Thud"), in its various versions, flew more missions against North Vietnam than any other U.S. aircraft. It also suffered more losses, partially due to its vulnerability, which was constantly under revision. Between 1965 and 1971, the aircraft was equipped with armor plate, a secondary flight control system, an improved pilot ejection seat, a more precise navigation system, better blind bombing capability and ECM pods for the wings.

On August 12, 1966, Capt. David J. Allinson was the pilot of an F105D aircraft sent on a bombing mission over North Vietnam. Allinson was the lead in a flight of four aircraft with a target in Nghia Lo Province near the city of Yen Bai. While making a strafing run on the target, his aircraft was hit by automatic weapons fire forcing him to eject. His descent was observed to the ground where he landed in some trees along a ridge. Attempts to contact him by radio were unsuccessful.

David Allinson was classified Missing in Action. Interestingly, he ejected from his aircraft not many miles from a prison at Yen Bai which was later known to have been a detention facility for American Prisoners of War.

In 1973, 591 American Prisoners of War were released, but Allinson was not among them. Although he was alive when last seen, and ejected into an enemy held area, the Vietnamese deny any knowledge of him or of his fate. He is among nearly 2800 who were unaccounted for at the end of the war.

Since Vietnam fell to communist control in 1975, over 10,000 reports relating to Americans missing in Southeast Asia have been received by the U.S. Government. Many authorities who have examined these largely classified reports have reluctantly reached the conclusion that hundreds of Americans are still alive, held captive by our long-ago enemy.

Whether Allinson met his death as he reached the ground, was shot and killed when he landed, or survived to be captured is unknown. It is possible that he is one of those said to be still alive. What is certain, however, is that as long as even a single American remains alive in captivity in Southeast Asia, the war cannot be said to have ended with honor. We must bring our men home.

David J. Allinson was promoted to the rank of Colonel during the period he was maintained missing.


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