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Pick's Disease

This site was created in memory of my wife
Marilyn (Adey) Keck (1937-2003)

You will find links to sites and topics
that helped me cope with this horrible disease.

For Ever and Ever
A story written by a newspaper reporter about Marilyn and Doug

Pick's Disease Support Group (PDSG)

*Pick's Disease Caregiver Articles

Pick's Disease Fact Sheet

Memories of Marilyn Sue Keck

Click here to join picks-support

Eldercare Online
Caregivers, if you are searching for support of
Pick's Disease
Alzheimer's Disease
or other forms of dementia
Check out the forums in this site.

*The Association For Frontaltemporal Dementias
This is a newly formed national non-profit Association
whose mission is to promote and fund research into finding the cause and cure for the frontaltemporal dementias; provide information, education, and support to persons diagnosed with FTD and their families and caregiver; and educate physicians and allied health professionals many of whom are unfamiliar with these rare disorders.

*Coping with Problem Behavior

Caregivers Helping Caregivers

Dr Alan McCutcheon
Information About Dementia

Tests for Alzheimer's Disease
Mini-Mental State Exam
Treatments to Prevent Alzheimer's

*Information for Senior Caregivers

*Alzheimer's Outreach
Poets Gallery - Heavens Garden & more

*My Brother and Me
Created by Laura Hoffman
