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This page contains a list of scheduled events.

Wednesday, 5 September 2001
Lecture by Prajnanananda, "Kriya Yoga"
Location: F1001
Time: 17:30
The purpose of meditation and of Kriya Yoga is not trance or euphoria, but to have reserves of energy, clarity and total consciousness, one could also say strength, sensitivity and consideration - so that one's actions don't cause the harm, which ignorance, the random and unconscious or inattention can do. This doesn't however exclude other kinds of expression such as dancing and music, because when one comes out of the meditation, it is with sharpened senses and a body full of life.
Postponed until further notice
Lecture by Siegbert Lattacher, "The story of Viktor Schauberger: Water Wizard"
Location: F1036
Time: 17:30
Viktor Schauberger's basic thesis contains a universal, twofold movement principle. He meant that life sustains by a gathering, implosive type of movement and reversed, a spreading, explosive movement that leads to the extinguishing of life. With the implosive movement coolness, suction growth and healthiness follows. The explosive movement generates heat, pressure, fragmentation, illness, and death. His opinion was that man had only succeeded in mastering the movement of death in order to release energy. All known engines are based on explosion, heat and pressure. To only use the explosive movement, definitely leads to the destruction of nature. These thoughts did not get any sympathy in his time, decades before the environmental problems showed up.
Therefore, one of Schaubergers aims was to investigate and artificially copy this movement that he could see that the nature was using in order to gather energy for different uses. Basically the movement could be described as an inward moving and twisting vortex. The appearance of the vortex is wide. A spiral galaxy is an expression for a disc shaped vortex whose opponent could be a DNA molecule, which describes a nearly infinite long thread shaped vortex. The grade of complexity becomes obvious if You realize that large vortices are composed of smaller vortices and so on.
Tuesday, 9 October 2001
Concert by Giorgio Nirvanananda, "All the Best World Music"
Location: F1001
Time: 17:30
The melodies accompany Indian and European music with sweetness and a light point from tools of well definite presence, characteristic of the music Indian mysticism.
Wednesday, 31 October 2001
Lecture by Emil Levine, "Current Research in Psychic Phenomenon"
Location: F1036
Emil Levine, IAEA retiree and UN Library Consultant, will present a review of the research in psychic phenomena, as well as the skeptics view. This will include discussions of Remove Viewing, psychokinesis, UFOs, an explanation of the famous Philadelphia Experiment, healing and other anomalies.
The presentation will end with a metal bending party. Attendees are asked to bring 1-2 pieces of table ware (spoons or forks), but not from the cafeteria.
Children are invited to attend and participate!!!
Thursday, 15 November 2001
Lecture by Anthony S. Watson, "New Age Blues: Millennium Edition"
Location: F1036
In between having your transits checked, catching up on the latest advice from your spirit guide, brewing your latest Bach flower remedy, and practising the 666th insight, don’t you just long for some good old-fashioned consumerism?
Tuesday, 27 November 2001
Lecture & Demonstration by Hayat, "Dances of Universal Peace"
Location: F1001
Time: 17:30
From the beginning of time, sacred movement, song and story have brought people together - at times of seasonal ceremony and celebration, as part of everyday life and life passages, in daily renewal and meditation, etc... The Dances of Universal Peace are part of this timeless tradition of Sacred Dance.
As in these timeless mystic traditions, the Dances use simple music, lyrics, and movements to touch the spiritual essence within ourselves and others. No musical or dance experience of any kind is required and everyone is welcomed to join in. Participation, not presentation, is the focus. No special attire is required, although comfortable, loose-fitting clothing is best. Participants join hands forming a circle with the Dance leader and other musicians in the center. Throughout the evening, the leader teaches the group the words, melody, and movements for the next Dance and often provides some background history about that particular Dance. The teaching is always done from a compassionate heart in a comfortable, quiet, and often sacred setting.
The movements and songs drawn from over 400 Dances include themes of peace (both inner and outer), healing (the Earth, individuals, and the global family), and the celebration of life's great mystery. Dancers focus on peace and harmony creating a sense of solidarity and community while celebrating the underlying unity of all the spiritual traditions of the Earth. By experiencing these many traditions, a greater understanding and appreciation of other cultures, as well as one's own heritage, is gained.
When Dance lyrics include sacred phrases in their own native languages, special attention is given to insure that all have ample opportunity to pronounce the foreign words comfortably and correctly. Leaders usually make a point to have the group first speak and then sing the unfamiliar words. Most Dances are only four lines long and repeated many times, so learning is usually quick and easy - within ten minutes people are moving, singing, and sharing together.
The mood of the Dances is infinitely variable, evoking feelings of love, joy, and compassion. Whether invoking the compassion of the Buddhist Qwan Yin, celebrating the playful energy of Krishna, or experiencing the related emotion of any other spiritual figure, dancers take part in a dynamic relationship between the group, individuals, and the self.
The Dances are an experience that all the world should be fortunate enough to enjoy. Hopefully as the Dances of Universal Peace continue to spread, the world will.
Monday's Starting 24 September 2001
Workshop by Linda Hajek, "Angels Workshop (Members Only)"
Location: TBD
Time: 13:00 to 14:00
Contact Linda for venue and registration. This will be a 8-week workshop.
