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All About Me

It has been pointed out to me that even though there many pictures I have taken on this website, there are no really identifiable pictures of me. In an effort to rectify that, and to give some inkling of who it you are dealing with, here's my bio page.

This is me my senior year of high school. But, frankly, not much has changed since then. Kinda dull actually.. :-)

I was born into this world 23 glorious years ago and I've never looked back. I started off in (don't say it too loudly! :-)) Nebraska and then moved to Iowa with my family at age three. Since then I've had two decades of heaven on earth (a.k.a. life in Iowa), graduating from Creston High School in 1994 and the University of Iowa in 1999. Now I'm working as a sign language interpreter for a year before heading to Japan in August to teach English for the Aeon corporation.

As I'm sure you can see by these pictures, I'm a travel buff and love being on the road. Hopefully you'll be able to follow along here and see what and where my life takes me. Enjoy the ride!!

Me nowadays, taken in January. My shutterbug view on the world.
