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Spiritual Healing

....From our birth through life on earth and beyond each of us reside and rise through the many different levels of spiritual ascension. The acceleration through these levels depends on one's openness to the Higher Power.

....To open the channels of Light and Energy from the Higher Power, one only has to have faith in its reality. By meditating on the higher possibilities, praying to and communing with the Creator of All Life, a spiritual channel of Living Light is opened. Through this channel is a living spiritual energy transferred from the originator or source to the one who seeks connection. By this connection is the conduction completed. The longer one communes or stays in contact with the source, the more one receives of it's Light. Through this contact one grows in spirit and enlightenment.

....The Creator is without measure, boundary or limitation, forever progressive and unfathomable. By our being a living creation of our Creator, His child in fact, so are we given the same destiny. Through contact and the desire to become one with the All Source of Life is our spiritual growth and ascension forever progressive through eternity.

....When one realizes and accepts the reality that we are all apart of this Living Universe, illumination, spiritual growth and the welling up of Life's Living Energy is increased. When filled with this increase of spiritual energy, one has the potential to transfer it to others through contact.

....As the Creator transfers this Living Light to each of us, so are we transferring this energy to others. As and from one piece of metal to another, so holds the same with people. One's capacity and the filling there of, determines whether you receive or give. Those full transfer to those who are not. Those empty absorb from those who are full until they reach their capacity and then transfer it to others and so on. By allowing this living energy to flow through us to others, it is increased more and more with each cycle of transfer. Spiritual and physical health is supported, nurtured, strengthened and increased in this process.

....The angels of heaven also play a decisive role in transferring Life's energy to the mortal world. The higher angels are older and have accumulated a vast reservoir of spiritual energy. Together, they touch mankind and raise humanity into the higher ascending grades of spirit. They raise civilizations by their contact. When they remove their influence, civilizations disappear.

....When the one or the many denies the higher power that dwells within, neglecting or harboring contempt for their fellow man, this living energy is blocked. Isolation and degeneration become predominant and disease occurs. Disease is a reminder to those lost in self that they are on the wrong path. To feel good is to be good. To feel bad is to be bad. That which is healthy is pure and sweet. That which is sick is foul and stinks. A pure and healthy person is on an ascending path of good. A foul and unhealthy person is on a descending path to death. One's disposition, being either good or evil will cause one's flesh to be either pure or corrupt. In retrospect, the flesh of a person will inspire one's spirit to be either good or evil. Each of us chooses our own destiny on this path, singularly or collectively, knowingly or unknowingly.

....In each and every individual's health, the health of our country, and the world, depends on this higher spiritual contact. Ascension or degeneration are the results of this influence. What mankind desires, decides his path and fate. Through communion with the Creator of All Life is the motion set forth. Health and enlightenment are but the results of a chain of decisions that parallel the spiritual path that is chosen.


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