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Unbalanced Holistic Nutrition

....Being a creation of the Universal Lifeforce and a product of the earth, certain biological laws must be followed to give mankind optimal health.

....The life that we perceive on earth are but particles of living energy flowing from and acting upon the will of it's source. These particles of energy in the physical universe attract and are combined with cohesive particles of corporeal or physical matter. All energy and corporeal particles are interwoven chains or strands of atoms to molecules that form the microscopic and the macroscopic structures in the universe. The design of all life fulfills its destiny by manifesting itself according to the desire and will of its Creator. Mankind is but one of the designs the Great Architect has created.

....Man's physical structure is created and maintained in balance with the physical world according to its design. The Creator has seen fit to provide man suitable foods for his physical growth, strength and purity of flesh. These foods grow from the earth in a certain balance of elements designed for that purpose. To tamper with or devalue such foods will give man an inferior outer structure that is out of balance with his inner energy. This imbalance leads to weakness, illness and disease.

....Just as man has a two fold nature, so has the Creator provided foods from the earth to provide nourishment for both the physical and the spiritual side of his growth. All foods in the plant kingdom have a living energy mud a physical structure. The physical elements build and reinforce the physical body of man, while the living energy of the plants become evanescent and feeds the spiritual side of man.

....In the digestion of food and the releasing of its energy, the corporeal elements are assimilated into physical body. The vaporous, atmospheric or evanescent part of the food is assimilated into the spirit body. In this process the physical and spiritual nature of man is nourished and kept in balance.

....The foods of the earth should be consumed as they are without modification. They are designed with a purpose as they are. Man has tampered and played with his food in different ways to soften it, make it more palatable, faster and easier to produce and preserve it for longer periods of time.

....Most all people cook their food to some degree. This destroys its life giving elements for the body and releases the evanescent vapors that feed the spirit into the air. This creates an inferior substance to be consumed by the whole person. The result is a degeneration in the physical structure and a weakened spiritual nature. This leaves the physical body vulnerable to outside organisms, infections, illnesses and disease while the spiritual side of man is weakened to the invasion of spiritual darkness.


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