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To Invoke the Holy Wisdom,
To Destroy the Malice of the Devas (Tetracts) in Man
To Free the World of its Presence and Drive Hence the Destroyer from Thy House

I invoke Thy Presence, O Great Jehovih, Creator and Giver to All
I invoke Thy Good, All Light, Thy Kingdom of Heaven and Boundless Time,
I invoke Thy Light and Power, Almighty
I invoke Thy Angels, most noble.
I invoke Thy Powerful Mind and Fire.
I invoke Thy Power, O Universal Creator, Whose Soul is Most Holy.
I invoke Thee, I AM.
I invoke Thy Holy Creation.
I invoke Thy Kingdom of Heaven,Boundless Time and Angels of Light,whose action is most high.
I invoke The Mighty Wind and The Fire made by Thy All Power.
I invoke Thy Good Angels of Light, O Jehovih, the fiend destroying Law.
I invoke Thy All Good, Living Light to drive hence the darkness of evil.
Make me One with Thee, Almighty God of Light.
For I AM, the one, and the same, O I AM
I AM, The Keeper
I AM, The Creator
I AM, The Maintainer
I AM, The Descerner
I AM, The Great Spirit
I invoke Thee, O I AM, Whose name is The Bestower of Life and Health, - The All Good, -
The All Light and Holy Spirit of the Everlasting Soul, - The All Knowing, - The Full Seeing, -
The Far Seeing, - The All Seeing - The Protector - The All Prosperity, - The Producer, -
The Liberal King, - The One Who does not deceive and He Who is not deceived, -
The One Who conquers everything,- The One Who creates All and shapes All, - The Energetic One, -
The All Power, The All Motion, - The Good Sovereign, - The Wisest of the Wise, - The Love of All Loves
Hail be unto Thee, Jehovih, Creator and Ruler of All, Seen and Unseen, The All Highest,
Who is Best, from Where All Light comes and That Which is the Cause of All, Goodness,
Joy and Happiness to All. By being One with Thy All Light, there is no evil, there are no shadows of darkness.
I invoke Thy Holy World of Light.
I invoke Thy Power to make the world Holy.
I invoke Thy Seas of Water and Ethe.
I invoke Thy endless and sovereign Light.
I invoke Thy bright and blissful Paradise of Heaven.
I invoke Thy Eternal Life beyond Chinvat.
I invoke Thy Whole of Creation.
I invoke Thee, O Creator, Thy High Angels and all other Holy Beings who reside in Thy Light.
Give us Thy All Light to disspell the All Darkness.
Surround us with Thy Holy Spectrum of Living Light.
We invoke Thy Protection, for we are Thine, to do Thy work. We claim Thy Presence.
We invoke Thy Presence. We invoke Thee, Great Spirit. We invoke Thee, Jehovih. We invoke Thee.

E-O-IH, be with us.
E-O-IH, speak to us.
E-O-IH, Be One with us.

( Towards the Heavens, and with power, invoke )

E-O-IH...........................................E-O-IH...................................... .....E-O-IH