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Fayette Iowa Occupations in 1878
 Individuals living with the town of Fayette or immediate area, listed in
the HISTORY OF FAYETTE COUNTY, IOWA 1878, pp 701-711

Pictograph of the  western section of Fayette, Iowa, in 1871.  The 1865, first bridge across the Volga is present, with the two and one half blocks of Main Street businesses to the left of the bridge.  Craftsmen and merchants were also located along water street, and when the railroad reached Fayette and became functional in 1874 (upper left hand corner) many new occupations would spring up around the railroad area.  The Village of Westfield is the cluster of houses in the upper left hand corner.  By 1871, Westfield no longer functioned as a town.  The post office had been moved into the Main Street Fayette area. However, the people of Fayette still used the term, "out in Westfield,"  for decades.   In the 1870's there was still a big woolen mill and grist mill operating along the mill run on the eastern edge of what we know as Klock's Island, and craftsmen and shops still existed, but the Fayette proper was the economically viable area.

In 1871, the Volga River did not run its present course, but looped up to just behind the old Furniture Store on the NW corner of Main and Water Streets.  The fords at Washington, King, and Mechanics Streets are still present.  There is no road to the Big Rocks in 1871. The top-right road is the West Union road and the bottom-right road the Albany Road, later to become known as the Lima Road.  The House at the bottom-center is the Hoyt place.  Marvin's Mill and house site was the first place between Albany and West Union roads.  The area to the right or north of the Volga was called Canada and contained houses, cabins, and shops of a few craftsman and merchants.  The brewery was up this road about 3/4 mile, on the west side, near the start of the spring of the creek that runs down through Canada. 

The structures north of the river were always susceptible to flooding, but never like the record, flash, flood in May 1999, which was about 6ft higher than the previous record flood of 1947.  All of the structures flooded in 1999 are now gone, and because of federal mandates will never be rebuild in modern times.  The house in the bottom-middle is the old Hoyt place, the Hoyt family being one of the early settlers.  An interesting Hoyt letter describing farming in the 1850's if found in "Chats."  I grew up with my grandparents the Hunt's, who farmed the 200 acres to the bottom of the picture and up on the hill top overlooking Fayette.  The highest hill overlooking the valley and still the best view of Fayette.  The Hunt's farm buildings would have been just off the lower right-hand corner of the picture.  It was just a 150yds over to the Hoyt's place.  The Hoyt sisters living in the old Hoyt place at the time where in their 80's, but quite active and friendly.  Cookies and pleasantries were always in order for a four year old.  The house and grounds were very nice for the day, with a number of well kept out buildings, barn, greenhouse, and of course out-house as there was no indoor plumbing yet.  Water was carried from an outside well, and a plumb was also found in the kitchen, over the top of a sink that drained thorough a pipe to the backside of the house, and out onto the yards area. Big pine trees were in the yard all around the house, planted in the late 1800's when the house was built.  The Hoyt sisters had passed away by the early 1950's and the neighboring family living right next to Marvin's Mill moved into the Hoyt place, so I spent many more days in that house and the out buildings.  Our gang included five or six close friends living across the river, or along the river.  Canada was our territory, in fact all of Walker's Hill, Hunt's Hill, Shaffer's Hole, Big Rocks, Dean's Place, Charlie Clark's farm, the Cole's Mill area, was "our" territory.  We reigned supreme from about 1946 to 1956.  We built rafts, threw spears, made bows and arrows, went swimming in the Volga, played cowboy and Indian, explored the abandoned buildings, ran the farms, ate green apples, played in the hay mow, played stick ball, ice skated, sledded the hills, played in Marvin's Mill, hunted squirrel, fished for sucker and smallmouth bass, made "things".  Stan, Dale, Bob, Lowell, Denny, and a few others ruled the Volga from the Shaffer's Hole to the Big Rocks.   And sometimes beyond, with treks to Eagle Point, Butment's Bridge, Klock's Island, Cole's Mill, The Deep Hole,  and Albany Bridge.  There never has been anything quite like "Our Gang" since.  But in Fayette "Our Gangs" were numerous from the beginning.  There are stories and memories of others Fayette buildings and places out there in someone's memory.  Send them in :))

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I have placed the 198 Surnames are listed in the "1878 History of Fayette County" in the biographical section marked Fayette Township, on a database so they can be sorted by surname, occupation, etc. In the future I may add people in the surrounding townships of interest to the Fayette area.  There was no such township in Fayette County, as Fayette was always in Westfield Township, named after the first village in the Valley, just 3/4 mile to the west of Main Street Fayette.  Thus this section of the old book refers in general to the heads of household living within the Fayette Valley that is known today, 2000.  Some occupations are not listed Not all people listed would have been a head of a household, as a "laborer" was often a young male in his late teens, early twenty's who was still living with the parents but out working for a farmer, builder, sawyer, etc.  The list does give a valid picture of what was going on in Fayette four years after the railroad created a new era of transportation and commerce in the Valley.  The first list is by Surname, followed by the exact same data filtered out by Occupation.  There obviously are unlisted people, as by this time Fayette had a brewery, more millers, lumbermen, quarry and lime kiln men, and other occupations, but still the list gives a very good idea of occupations types and  of the numbers of various craftsmen, carpenters, blacksmiths, merchants, grocers, butchers, leatherworkers, etc. The scanned pages of Fayette Township in the biographical links will have all of the "1878" info in the book.  

Fayette, Iowa in 1878
listed in "1878 History of Fayette County"  for the Village of Fayette.  (Drop down the page to the Occupation List)

Name Given Occupation Information

Adams Elisah Unlisted 
Adams L.I. Blacksmith 
Aldrich J.A. Physician 
Allen Harrison Fayette constable 
Alexander Dixon Physican, surgeon b. DeKalbCoNY, 3/24/1822; m. MaryEWentworth, Stonington,CN
Alexander Richard Laborer 
Anderson Uriah Carpenter 
Aylesworth F.M. Attorney 
Aylesworth W.B Unlisted 
Aylesworth Wm Unlisted 
Bane I.W. UIU student 
Barber F.M. Laborer 
Barden aAugust Blacksmith 
Barnard R.W. Merchant, dealer, buttter and eggs 
Barnard W.W. Unlisted 
Bedell Henry Merchant, meat market, proprietor 
Buch O. Blacksmith 
Benge Wm. Veterinary surgeon 
Bissell J.W. UIU, president 
Borland Wm. Drayman 
Boyce J.E. Merchant, retired 
Boyce J.H. Jeweler 
Boyce W.F. Clerk, salesman 
Briggs Elisha Unlisted 
Briggs Henry Laborer 
Bray W.H. Mason 
Brunson H.S. Justice of the Peace 
Budd Jesse E. Merchant, dealer, hardware, paints, farm implements b. 3/27/1831, Schodack, NY; m. Katie E. Mallow, 10/12/1859, to Smithfield 1860, to Fayette 1872
Bullock Frank Merchant, groceries 
Bullock Martin Carpenter 
Burmell Wm Laborer 
Burch E.H. Merchant 
Burch William Carpenter 
Burett W.N. Educator, Prof. of Music 
Burgess C.M. Pastor, M.E. Chruch 
Burget John Carpenter 
Burton A.H. Loborer 
Byrne Daniel Railroad 
Cavanaugh Ed. Laborer 
Cain Fred Mrechant, tailor b. Germany, 9/27/1831; m. Wilhelmina Cruger 1855; to Schnectady, NY 1852; to Fayette 1864
Callender AlbertW Attorney, loan broker, land agent b. Luserne Co. Penn 12/27/1838, to Ill 1854, to IA 1856, to Fayette 1866, JP 1869-75, Town Clerk 1871-1878.
Canfield Hiram S. Proprietor, Fayette House Hotel b. NY 7/26/1835; m. Emma A. Bowen 1860; to Decorah 1860, to Fayette 1870, stage/express to 1874, bought Hotel.
Caward James J. Merchant, general b. OntarioCoNY, 3/19/1847; m. Ella A. Crossman, 1870; to Fayette 1875.
Childs Carol UIU student 
Churchill S. Craftsman, broom maker 
Close Al Laborer 
Close Joseph Laborer 
Coff sidney Capitlist 
Coffenger J.M. Laborer 
Cole O.C. Carpenter 
Colgrove Chauncey UIU student 
Comstock Isaac Carpenter 
Comstock George E. Manufacturer, washing machines b. Mich 10/30/1839; m. Anna Cramer 1868; to Fayette 1858.
Crawley Daniel Laborer 
Crissy Orson Wagon maker 
Davidson Thomas Farmer 
Day H.S. Unlisted 
Davis Daniel Banker b. VT 5/25/1826; m. CharlotteOBruce 6/16/1856; to Fayette 1874.
Derby William H. Craftsman, harness maker b. VT 8/27/1823; m. MiraESmith 09/1845; to Fayette 1857. 
Devlin P.H. Laborer 
Donaldson Charles A. Merchant, bboks, stationers, notions. b. KY 1/15/1840; m. Lizzi Boughey Farrington; to Fayette 1877.
Dorman Jerry M. Dentist b. NY 11/1842; m. Ella Napier 4/3/1872.
Doud O.A. Merchant, retired 
Duncan Alexander Real estate, loan, collecting agent. b. NY 3/4/1846; m. Sarah B. Scobey, 1876, dau of Z.D.; Hoyt&Ducan Real Estate, Loans, Collecting.
Duncan T.A. Dealer, grain, retired. 
Edmunds G.R. Merchant, grocer 
Elliott Charles Laborer 
Emmery B.Z. Farmer 
Emmons E.R. Craftsman, shoemaker 
Esty Charles Craftsman, painter b. VT 12/29/1842; m. Emily Stowell 1862; to Fayette 1868.
Estey Warren Unlisted 
Everts H.A. Insurance agent 
Fowells John Craftsman, shoemaker 
Foote Amoretta E. Widow b. NY 5/3/1839; m. Seth foote 1859, maiden name rich; to Fayette 1861.
Fowells Thomas Craftsman, shoemaker b. Eng. 6/12/1827; m. Margaret Cook, 12/12/1850; school director.
Freer Theordore News, Fayette b. NY 1845; m. Fannie Herrick 12/13/1866; to Fayette 1877.
Freese Peter Clerk 
Francisco F. Craftsman, harness maker 
Fryer John Laborer 
Furgeson D.M. Laborer 
Furry F.W. Laborer 
Fussel Adam Merchant, hardware and machinery 
Fussel David E. Merchant, dealer hardwear and implements. b. OH 10/30/1822; m. Rachel Jennings 3/6/1846; to FayCo 1840, owns 1k acres; to Fay 1876; Fussell Bros.
Gates D. Laborer 
Gaige Henery B. Carpenter, joiner b. VT 10/16/1829; m. Eliz A. Kelly 1/29/1873; to FayCo1869.
Gaynor E.W. Clerk 
Gaynor Robert Merchant 
Gaynor William H. Craftsman, shoemaker b. Ireland 1/22/1828; m. Jennie C. Mealley 1864; to FayCo 1865
Gibbs Runy Clerk 
Goodrich A.N. Carpenter 
Goodyear William Peddler, tin 
Grannis J.L. Unlisted 
Gurley John Cooper 
Hammond E. Mason 
Hancock George Laborer 
Harrison H. Laborer 
Harrison J.L. Unlisted 
Hayward Enos Carpenter 
Hendrickson Saul Capitalist, dealer in stocks 
Hess J.J. Shoemaker 
Hollenback A.S. Attorney 
Holmes Allen Miller 
Holmes Fred Livery 
Holmes Clarence Loborer 
Holmes C.O. Merchant, meat market proprietor 
Holmes E. Miller 
Howe E.C. Craftsman, tinsmith 
Hoyt Charles Surveyor, county b. CN 10/27/1809; Hoyt & Duncan Real Estate, Loan and Collecting Agents.
Hoyt W.A. Attorney 
Hughs W. Blacksmith 
Hulbert C.E. Merchant 
Hunt Reuben, Sr. Mason b. Eng; to Fayette 1855
Hunt Washington Mason b. Eng; to Fayette 1855, son of Reuben; farmer in NB in later years.
Hunt Thomas Mason b. Eng; to Fayette 1855, son of Reuben; high school teacher in Delhi.
Hunt W.E. Merchant, furniture dealer and maker, undertaker b. Eng; to Fayette 1855, son of Reuben, farmer in later years.
Hurd H.E. UIU Professor b. NY 1844; to Fayette 1867; m. Henrietta Brunson 2/2/1871.
Husband Charles Teacher 
Jones F. Craftsman, chair maker 
Kidder J.S. Craftsman, brrom maker 
Kingman W.E. Clerk 
Knight A. Blacksmith 
Knight John Blacksmith 
Lamb Elmer Merchant 
Lane Charles Blacksmith 
Lee R. Railroad 
Lichtenstein E.M. Merchant, general b. NY 3/1/1847; m. Eliza A. Raesley 3/8/ 1876; to Fayette 1875.
Lockwood J.H. Agent 
Lyman A.E. Farmer 
Lyman C.A. Farmer 
Lyman G.T. Merchant, lumber dealer. 
Lyons Charles Unlisted 
McDonald Jerry Laborer 
Marvin A.E. Carpenter 
Montegomery Morgan Merchant, hardware, paint, implements. b. OH 7/20/1826; m. Nancy Brown 12/25/1846; to FayCo 1863, to Fayette1872.
Mott Aaron J. Merchant, baker and confectioner. b. NY 7/8/1820; m. Sara Young 10/30/1845; 
Munson George Laborer 
Nefzger Christopher Merchant, grocer 
Newcomer Daniel L. Mason b. NA 7/25/1825; m. Mary a. Jacoby 7/1/1852; to Fayette 1857(Fay. was 2 sm. stores & a few houses).
Noble R.D. Carpenter 
Noland W. Jeweler 
Ordway A.S. Craftsman, harnes maker 
Orvis James R. Photogrpher b. PA 5/22/1820; m. Lucy H. Heath 10/28/1858; 
Owen George Carpenter 
Pain Cortes Unlisted, retired. 
Palmer D.D. Lawyer 
Pangburn M.W. Laborer 
Parker C.C. Physician 
Parsons George Carpenter 
Pangburn F.A. Teacher 
Patterson Charles Laborer 
Peebles R.W. Pastor, M.E. Church 
Peebles Will Clerk 
Pierce Giseon Unlisted, retired. 
Percy J.P. Carpenter 
Potter W.L. Laborer 
Robertson S.H. Unlisted, retired. 
Rhoades John Druggist b. Eng 4/24/1836; m. Ruvina M. Cragin 1/2/1867; to Fayette 1860; owns 459 acres.
Robertson George Merchant, implements, machinery. b. OH 6/8/1838; m. Susan G. Cowles 1/1/1863; to Fayette abt 1868.
Robertson William H. Carpenter, builder b. Oh 6/10/1842; m. Agnes E. Miller 1871; member of firm of West and Robertson.
Rogers Benjamine Blacksmith 
Sanford M.C. Railroad, telegraph operator, station agent 
Schoonmaker David Dealer, stock 
Scobey C.R.A. Railroad, postal clerk 
Scobey George Rairroad, express agent, merchant 
Scobey Z.D. Postmaster 
Seeley D.R. Laborer 
Shoemaker P.O. Laborer 
Smith George A. Livery, feed, sale stable b. NY 12/3/1825; to Fayette 1858; unmarried.
Snider J.R. Merchant, grocer 
Sperry Charles W. Merchant, general, hardware, dry goods. b. NY 1847; m. Belle Franklin 1869;to Fayette 1857; owns 400 acres.
Sperry M.C. Agent 
Stanley A.H. Carpenter 
Strong A.H. Unlisted, retired 
Sweet E.S. Clerk 
Sweet Hiram Dealer, sheep, stock, land speculation. b. NY 11/5/1827; m. Dianna Sweet 1853; to Fayette 1855.
Tobin James Laborer 
tTrue N.S. Railroad, conductor 
Van Scoder Laborer 
Vansychle C.V. Loborer 
Vines D. Unlisted 
Wakefield Jacob Laborer 
Ward C.S. Laborer 
Ware John Fayette marshal 
Waterbury Hiram W. Merchant, drugs and books b. NY 11/24/ 1811; m. Marilla Crissey 7/14/1834; to Fayette 1857; postmaster 1861-1873.
Waterbury Luther W. Merchant, drugs and books b. OH 4/7/1843; m. Mary L. rust 3/3/1863; partner with father Hiram.
Weaver John News, worker at "Fayette News" 
Webb Luther Laborer 
Wenrich D. Pastor, United Brethren 
West Charles C. Carpenter, builder b. ME 9/17/1827; m. amira R. Maxey 9/17/1852; to Fayette 1855, contracted to build College Hall, built 3rd frame house in Fayette.
White Abe Craftsman, shoemaker 
Whitney P.B. Capitalist 
Whitney W.A. Carpenter 
Whitney William V. Dealer, grain, Marvin Elevator; Bullock/Whitney Grocers b. NY 3/26/1842; to Fayette 1875
Wilertan C. Laborer 
Winrott A.E. News, Freer & Winrott, "Fayette News" b. OH 9/13/1852; m. Josephine Fitzgibbons 9/30/1876; to FayCo 1856.
Winston Alexander Farmer and wagon maker b. NY 1/26/1829; m. Erva A. Bent 1849; to WestUnion 1851 (four houses, Fay. wild uncultivated land). 
Winston John Laborer 
Wood G.F. Teacher 

A few of the businesses listed on the edge of an 1869 map pinned to the wall on the second floor of the Fayette Historical Society at West Union.  This is a very rare map and the earliest quality map I have found showing Fayette County.  Until the railroad came to Fayette in 1873, the population remain at a couple of hundred and the business/craftsman limited in number and of course all structured around the support of the area farmers which were growing in numbers.  In 1869, the area of Main Street Fayette had only been a business area for about 12 years.


Fayette, Iowa in 1878
Occupations  listed in "1878 History of Fayette County"  for the Village of Fayette. (Go back up to Surnames)

Occupation Name Given Information

Agent, railroad Lockwood J.H. 
Agent, railroad  Sperry M.C. 
Attorney Aylesworth F.M. 
Attorney Hollenback A.S. 
Attorney Hoyt W.A. 
Attorney, loan broker, land agent Callender AlbertW b. Luserne Co. Penn 12/27/1838, to Ill 1854, to IA 1856, to Fayette 1866, JP 1869-75, Town Clerk 1871-1878.
Banker Davis Daniel b. VT 5/25/1826; m. CharlotteOBruce 6/16/1856; to Fayette 1874.
Blacksmith Adams L.I. 
Blacksmith Barden aAugust 
Blacksmith Buch O. 
Blacksmith Hughs W. 
Blacksmith Knight A. 
Blacksmith Knight John 
Blacksmith Lane Charles 
Blacksmith Rogers Benjamine 
Capitalist Whitney P.B. 
Capitalist, dealer in stocks Hendrickson Saul 
Capitlist Coff sidney 
Carpenter Anderson Uriah 
Carpenter Bullock Martin 
Carpenter Burch William 
Carpenter Burget John 
Carpenter Cole O.C. 
Carpenter Comstock Isaac 
Carpenter Goodrich A.N. 
Carpenter Hayward Enos 
Carpenter Marvin A.E. 
Carpenter Noble R.D. 
Carpenter Owen George 
Carpenter Parsons George 
Carpenter Percy J.P. 
Carpenter Stanley A.H. 
Carpenter Whitney W.A. 
Carpenter, builder Robertson William H. b. Oh 6/10/1842; m. Agnes E. Miller 1871; member of firm of West and Robertson.
Carpenter, builder West Charles C. b. ME 9/17/1827; m. amira R. Maxey 9/17/1852; to Fayette 1855, contracted to build College Hall, built 3rd frame house in Fayette.
Carpenter, joiner Gaige Henery B. b. VT 10/16/1829; m. Eliz A. Kelly 1/29/1873; to FayCo1869.
Clerk Freese Peter 
Clerk Gaynor E.W. 
Clerk Gibbs Runy 
Clerk Kingman W.E. 
Clerk Peebles Will 
Clerk Sweet E.S. 
Clerk, salesman Boyce W.F. 
Cooper Gurley John 
Craftsman, broom maker Churchill S. 
Craftsman, brrom maker Kidder J.S. 
Craftsman, chair maker Jones F. 
Craftsman, harnes maker Ordway A.S. 
Craftsman, harness maker Derby William H. b. VT 8/27/1823; m. MiraESmith 09/1845; to Fayette 1857. 
Craftsman, harness maker Francisco F. 
Craftsman, painter Esty Charles b. VT 12/29/1842; m. Emily Stowell 1862; to Fayette 1868.
Craftsman, shoemaker Emmons E.R. 
Craftsman, shoemaker Fowells John 
Craftsman, shoemaker Fowells Thomas b. Eng. 6/12/1827; m. Margaret Cook, 12/12/1850; school director.
Craftsman, shoemaker Gaynor William H. b. Ireland 1/22/1828; m. Jennie C. Mealley 1864; to FayCo 1865
Craftsman, shoemaker White Abe 
Craftsman, tinsmith Howe E.C. 
Dealer, grain, Marvin Elevator; Bullock/Whitney Grocers Whitney William V. b. NY 3/26/1842; to Fayette 1875
Dealer, grain, retired. Duncan T.A. 
Dealer, sheep, stock, land speculation. Sweet Hiram b. NY 11/5/1827; m. Dianna Sweet 1853; to Fayette 1855.
Dealer, stock Schoonmaker David 
Dentist Dorman Jerry M. b. NY 11/1842; m. Ella Napier 4/3/1872.
Drayman Borland Wm. 
Druggist Rhoades John b. Eng 4/24/1836; m. Ruvina M. Cragin 1/2/1867; to Fayette 1860; owns 459 acres.
Educator, Prof. of Music Burett W.N. 
Farmer Davidson Thomas 
Farmer Emmery B.Z. 
Farmer Lyman A.E. 
Farmer Lyman C.A. 
Farmer and wagon maker Winston Alexander b. NY 1/26/1829; m. Erva A. Bent 1849; to WestUnion 1851 (four houses, Fay. wild uncultivated land). 
Fayette constable Allen Harrison 
Fayette marshal Ware John 
Insurance agent Everts H.A. 
Jeweler Boyce J.H. 
Jeweler Noland W. 
Justice of the Peace Brunson H.S. 
Laborer Alexander Richard 
Laborer Barber F.M. 
Laborer Briggs Henry 
Laborer Burmell Wm 
Laborer Cavanaugh Ed. 
Laborer Close Al 
Laborer Close Joseph 
Laborer Coffenger J.M. 
Laborer Crawley Daniel 
Laborer Devlin P.H. 
Laborer Elliott Charles 
Laborer Fryer John 
Laborer Furgeson D.M. 
Laborer Furry F.W. 
Laborer Gates D. 
Laborer Hancock George 
Laborer Harrison H. 
Laborer McDonald Jerry 
Laborer Munson George 
Laborer Pangburn M.W. 
Laborer Patterson Charles 
Laborer Potter W.L. 
Laborer Seeley D.R. 
Laborer Shoemaker P.O. 
Laborer Tobin James 
Laborer Van Scoder 
Laborer Wakefield Jacob 
Laborer Ward C.S. 
Laborer Webb Luther 
Laborer Wilertan C. 
Laborer Winston John 
Lawyer Palmer D.D. 
Livery Holmes Fred 
Livery, feed, sale stable Smith George A. b. NY 12/3/1825; to Fayette 1858; unmarried.
Loborer Burton A.H. 
Loborer Holmes Clarence 
Loborer Vansychle C.V. 
Manufacturer, washing machines Comstock George E. b. Mich 10/30/1839; m. Anna Cramer 1868; to Fayette 1858.
Mason Bray W.H. 
Mason Hammond E. 
Mason Hunt Reuben, Sr. b. Eng; to Fayette 1855
Mason Hunt Washington b. Eng; to Fayette 1855, son of Reuben; farmer in NB in later years.
Mason Hunt Thomas b. Eng; to Fayette 1855, son of Reuben; high school teacher in Delhi.
Mason Newcomer Daniel L. b. NA 7/25/1825; m. Mary a. Jacoby 7/1/1852; to Fayette 1857(Fay. was 2 sm. stores & a few houses).
Merchant Burch E.H. 
Merchant Gaynor Robert 
Merchant Hulbert C.E. 
Merchant Lamb Elmer 
Merchant, baker and confectioner. Mott Aaron J. b. NY 7/8/1820; m. Sara Young 10/30/1845; 
Merchant, bboks, stationers, notions. Donaldson Charles A. b. KY 1/15/1840; m. Lizzi Boughey Farrington; to Fayette 1877.
Merchant, dealer hardwear and implements. Fussel David E. b. OH 10/30/1822; m. Rachel Jennings 3/6/1846; to FayCo 1840, owns 1k acres; to Fay 1876; Fussell Bros.
Merchant, dealer, buttter and eggs Barnard R.W. 
Merchant, dealer, hardware, paints, farm implements Budd Jesse E. b. 3/27/1831, Schodack, NY; m. Katie E. Mallow, 10/12/1859, to Smithfield 1860, to Fayette 1872
Merchant, drugs and books Waterbury Hiram W. b. NY 11/24/ 1811; m. Marilla Crissey 7/14/1834; to Fayette 1857; postmaster 1861-1873.
Merchant, drugs and books Waterbury Luther W. b. OH 4/7/1843; m. Mary L. rust 3/3/1863; partner with father Hiram.
Merchant, furniture dealer and maker, undertaker Hunt W.E. b. Eng; to Fayette 1855, son of Reuben, farmer in later years.
Merchant, general Caward James J. b. OntarioCoNY, 3/19/1847; m. Ella A. Crossman, 1870; to Fayette 1875.
Merchant, general Lichtenstein E.M. b. NY 3/1/1847; m. Eliza A. Raesley 3/8/ 1876; to Fayette 1875.
Merchant, general, hardware, dry goods. Sperry Charles W. b. NY 1847; m. Belle Franklin 1869;to Fayette 1857; owns 400 acres.
Merchant, grocer Edmunds G.R. 
Merchant, grocer Nefzger Christopher 
Merchant, grocer Snider J.R. 
Merchant, groceries Bullock Frank 
Merchant, hardware and machinery Fussel Adam 
Merchant, hardware, paint, implements. Montegomery Morgan b. OH 7/20/1826; m. Nancy Brown 12/25/1846; to FayCo 1863, to Fayette1872.
Merchant, implements, machinery. Robertson George b. OH 6/8/1838; m. Susan G. Cowles 1/1/1863; to Fayette abt 1868.
Merchant, lumber dealer. Lyman G.T. 
Merchant, meat market proprietor Holmes C.O. 
Merchant, meat market, proprietor Bedell Henry 
Merchant, retired Boyce J.E. 
Merchant, retired Doud O.A. 
Miller Holmes Allen 
Miller Holmes E. 
Mrechant, tailor Cain Fred b. Germany, 9/27/1831; m. Wilhelmina Cruger 1855; to Schnectady, NY 1852; to Fayette 1864
News, Fayette Freer Theordore b. NY 1845; m. Fannie Herrick 12/13/1866; to Fayette 1877.
News, Freer & Winrott, "Fayette News" Winrott A.E. b. OH 9/13/1852; m. Josephine Fitzgibbons 9/30/1876; to FayCo 1856.
News, worker at "Fayette News" Weaver John 
Pastor, M.E. Chruch Burgess C.M. 
Pastor, M.E. Church Peebles R.W. 
Pastor, United Brethren Wenrich D. 
Peddler, tin Goodyear William 
Photogrpher Orvis James R. b. PA 5/22/1820; m. Lucy H. Heath 10/28/1858; 
Physican, surgeon Alexander Dixon b. DeKalbCoNY, 3/24/1822; m. MaryEWentworth, Stonington,CN
Physician Aldrich J.A. 
Physician Parker C.C. 
Postmaster Scobey Z.D. 
Proprietor, Fayette House Hotel Canfield Hiram S. b. NY 7/26/1835; m. Emma A. Bowen 1860; to Decorah 1860, to Fayette 1870, stage/express to 1874, bought Hotel.
Railroad Byrne Daniel 
Railroad Lee R. 
Railroad, conductor tTrue N.S. 
Railroad, postal clerk Scobey C.R.A. 
Railroad, telegraph operator, station agent Sanford M.C. 
Rairroad, express agent, merchant Scobey George 
Real estate, loan, collecting agent. Duncan Alexander b. NY 3/4/1846; m. Sarah B. Scobey, 1876, dau of Z.D.; Hoyt&Ducan Real Estate, Loans, Collecting.
Shoemaker Hess J.J. 
Surveyor, county Hoyt Charles b. CN 10/27/1809; Hoyt & Duncan Real Estate, Loan and Collecting Agents.
Teacher Husband Charles 
Teacher Pangburn F.A. 
Teacher Wood G.F. 
UIU Professor Hurd H.E. b. NY 1844; to Fayette 1867; m. Henrietta Brunson 2/2/1871.
UIU student Bane I.W. 
UIU student Childs Carol 
UIU student Colgrove Chauncey 
UIU, president Bissell J.W. 
Unlisted Adams Elisah 
Unlisted Aylesworth W.B 
Unlisted Aylesworth Wm 
Unlisted Barnard W.W. 
Unlisted Briggs Elisha 
Unlisted Day H.S. 
Unlisted Estey Warren 
Unlisted Grannis J.L. 
Unlisted Harrison J.L. 
Unlisted Lyons Charles 
Unlisted Vines D. 
Unlisted, retired Strong A.H. 
Unlisted, retired. Pain Cortes 
Unlisted, retired. Pierce Giseon 
Unlisted, retired. Robertson S.H. 
Veterinary surgeon Benge Wm. 
Wagon maker Crissy Orson 
Widow Foote Amoretta E. b. NY 5/3/1839; m. Seth foote 1859, maiden name rich; to Fayette 1861.

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The east side of Fayette, Iowa, in 1871, with College Hall in the left-center.  College Hall "was"  Upper Iowa University until the late 1800's when three other building would be added.  All services including board and room, classes and labs were held in College Hall, then called "the Seminary."  Main Street Fayette is in the center right.  Note some larger frame buildings at the bottom of the picture, along east Water Street.  Merchants and craftsman were "sprinkled throughout the area along the Volga River.  By 1874 the railroad would be functional coming up from the Dubuque and Cedar Rapids area, and Fayette would begin its boom years.  Note the area at the top of the picture where the railroad yard would be constructed is only a field in 1871.  The southwest 1/4 of town as we know it was not there, it was a field area with woods approaching from the west.  One must keep in mind the time frame.  The area around Main Street Fayette was natural habitat in 1850, in 1855 the Seminary was started and completed in 1857.  I is about 1857 that building increased around Main, but not until the early 1860's when major construction occurred as more and more people heard about Fayette and migrated the more settled white regions just to the south and east. Thus all of the buildings in this 1871 pictograph were newly constructed in about a ten year span.  And with the coming of the railroad in 1873, construction would boom, at least for a small farming community, throughout the rest of the 1800's and into the early 1900's, when basically new construction slowed as population and business stabilized due to supply and demand of a typical Iowa farming community.  Fayette was always just that  No industry was present that did not revolve around the products produced on the area farms.  A major educational service was present, UIU.  Fayette has from the beginning been a very educated community because the type of people that settled in Fayette, and because of the influx of mentally gifted students from the surrounding communities and counties, and from other states.  Many of these people remained in Fayette or the area.  Many of the local children of the county, who would have not been able to attend higher education, could thus attend a highly qualified university.  Offspring often returned to farm as college graduates. You cannot run a successful farm with genetically weak stock, you cannot run a community with the same. The farming community background whether as a farm kid or a town kid, produced a work ethic and goal oriented mentality.  Coupled with a higher educational community and the simple fact that the farming frontier weeds out the weak, the Fayette County area has produced a stock of people with a strong genetic and personality base. They have jobs, they work, they are successful.  No programs, no hand outs, no whining excuses, just a work ethic.   Many, many have gone on to local, state, national and world leadership positions.  Go Fayette, Go Fayette County :)) Is this Heaven? Probably!!



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