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....Zachariah Thompson and
Priscilla Albaugh came to Brush Creek or Arlington, Fayette County, Iowa, in
1865, following the lead of sons Samuel and Morris J. who pioneered in
the Taylorville/Brush Creek area in 1854. Sons William and Alex would soon
remove to Fayette County . The Thompson's were a true pioneer
family in the southeast corner and central part of Fayette County, Iowa, in
the early 1850's, and in Harrison/Carroll County, Ohio in the 1820's.
All of the other Thompson children would migrate to Fayette County,
Iowa, and many descendents would move as pioneer farmers to the west as land
opened up in the 1870's through the 1890's.
..... Priscilla Albaugh (1805-1879) would meet and marry Zachariah C.
Thompson (1796-1880) on January 15, 1822, in New Rumley Twp., Harrison Co.,
Ohio. The Thompson's were of Scottish background, having immigrated to
American as part of the Scotch-Irish movement in the early 1700's. The
Thompson Story will be told on another page. Zach Thompson had migrated
at the age of 21 from Maryland to Harrison Co., Ohio, in 1817. Zach and
Priscilla would farm and have ten children in Harrison Co., Ohio. In 1854, two
of their children Samuel and Morris Jackson Thompson would migrate and be very
early settlers near Taylorsville, three miles to the N,NW of Brush Creek
(later Arlington), Iowa. Brush Creek however, would soon become
the dominate village in the area for the Thompson Clan. Other children
would also migrate to Brush Creek with their siblings.
.... Samuel (my gggrandfather) would die on the way back to Ohio in 1865,
perhaps to get the parents, and be buried in Allen Cemetery in Harrison Co.
Thus in 1865, Zach C, age 69, and Priscilla, age 60, would buy 120 acres of a
government tract on the very southern edge of the tiny pioneer village of
Brush Creek (the history of Brush Creek/Arlington is on other pages} and farm
their until their deaths fifteen years later. The farm land was tall and wet
grass prairie, located to the SE of the Six Corner Intersection at the south
edge of Brush Creek. The old Mission Trail from Dubuque to Ft. Atkinson ran on
the western edge of their land. Son Morris J. was farming two miles to the
west of Brush Creek. Son Samuel had been farming in the Grannis Canyon
area six miles to the north, and apparently ( my gggrandmother) Samuel's wife
Martha Sherman Thompson, with six children (ages 1-10) were still on that farm
when Zach and Priscilla arrived from Ohio, in 1865. At least some of
Samuel's and Martha's children were taken in by Morris J. Martha would
go on the marry John Little, a Brush Creek farmer and cooper a couple of miles
NW of town.
.... Thus the Thompson/Albuagh Clan connection to Taylorsville, Brush
Creek/Arlington, Fayette County, Iowa, began in 1854, with the migration of
the sons, and of Zach Caleb I and Priscilla Albaugh Thompson in 1865, and the
migration of several other children. Zach and Priscilla, Morris J. Eli, and
William. are buried in Groat Cemetery, Arlington, Iowa, along with their
spouses and some grandchildren. Many of the grandchildren of Zach
and Priscilla continued the pioneer migration to the west, during the last
decades of the 1800's. The Clans were true American Pioneers.
Descendants of Zachariah I Caleb Thompson
1 Zachariah I Caleb Thompson b: February 20,
1796 in Hartford Co, Maryland d: November 15, 1880 in Brush Creek, later
Arlington, Fayette Co, Iowa
.. +Priscilla Albaugh b: December 15, 1805 in Farm near Kilgore, Carroll Co.,
Ohio d: November 06, 1879 in Brush Creek, later Arlington, Fayette Co, Iowa
.... 2 [1] William David Thompson b: January 12, 1823 in New Rumley, Harrison
Co, Ohio d: August 02, 1894 in Arlington, Fayette Co, Iowa
........ +Eliza Jane Stewart b: 1829 d: April 14, 1848 in Carroll Co., Ohio
.... *2nd Wife of [1] William David Thompson:
........ +Jane Capper b: December 04, 1825 in Carroll Co., Ohio d: 1905 in
Arlington, Fayette Co, Iowa
.... 2 Eli Isaac Thompson b: November 03, 1824 in Perryville, New Rumley Twp.,
Harrison Co, OH d: February 03, 1903 in Sargent, Custer Co., NE
........ +Eliza Kirby b: 1825 d: January 02, 1881
.... 2 Morris Thompson b: April 1826 in New Rumley, Harrison Co, OH d: July
01, 1826 in New Rumley, Harrison Co, OH
.... 2 Samuel Andrew Thompson I b: August 15, 1827 in Rumley Twp., Harrison
County, Ohio d: April 07, 1865 in Trip to Harrison County, Ohio
........ +Martha Jane Sherman b: January 10, 1833 in Harrison County, Ohio d:
January 25, 1921
.... 2 [2] Morris Jackson Thompson b: September 03, 1829 in New Rumley,
Harrison Co, OH d: 1918 in Arlington, Fayette Co, Iowa
........ +Sarah Jane Brown b: 1832 d: 1870 in Brush Creek, Arlington, Fayette
Co, Iowa
.... *2nd Wife of [2] Morris Jackson Thompson:
........ +Catherine H. Briney b: 1838 d: 1926 in Arlington, Fayette Co, Iowa
.... 2 Catherine Thompson b: September 26, 1831 in New Rumley, Harrison Co, OH
d: May 02, 1914 in Custer, Custer Co., Nebraska
........ +John Mordecai Amos b: March 25, 1831 in Pennsylvania d: July 13,
1907 in Wescott, Custer Co., Nebraska
.... 2 Alexander Thompson b: November 09, 1834 in New Rumley, Harrison Co, OH
d: 1894 in Carroll Co, Ohio
....... +Lavina Foster b: 1832 d: 1909
.... 2 Martha Thompson b: May 15, 1836 in New Rumley, Harrison Co, OH d: 1911
in Fayette, Fayette Co., Iowa
........ +William J. Allen b: 1836 in Carroll Co, Ohio d: 1909
.... 2 [3] Allen C. Thompson b: January 30, 1838 in New Rumley, Harrison Co,
OH d: 1913
........ +Helen Matilda Billings b: 1853 d: April 17, 1921
.... *2nd Wife of [3] Allen C. Thompson:
........ +Louisa Sell b: 1841 d: 1912
.... 2 Elizabeth Thompson b: May 05, 1842 in New Rumley, Harrison Co, OH d:
........ +Willian Henry Moore b: 1840 d: 1904
.... 2 David B. Thompson b: May 01, 1845 in New Rumley, Harrison Co, OH d:
July 13, 1932 in Fayette, Fayette Co., Iowa
........ +Mary Ellen Hill b: 1848 d: 1933
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Information updated March 15, 2001
Descendants of Richard Warren
Generation No. 1
1. Richard1 Warren was born Aft. 1580 in London or Kent, England, and died 1628 in Plymouth Colony. He married Elizabeth Unknown 1611 in London, England. She was born 1583, and died October 02, 1673 in Plymouth Colony.
Notes for Richard Warren:
Notes supplied by Tim Byars, email, 9/2000---Richard Warren was born between 1580-1590, at London or Kent, England and died in 1628 at Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, Mass. Information about his ancestry is unknown and unproven therefore lines showing royal decent are incorrect. He was a passenger aboard the "Mayflower" and a signer of the "Mayflower Compact". Further information can be found on the Mayflower Web Page and the Mayflower Database. His wife Elizabeth and their five daughters would arrive at Plymouth aboard the "Anne" in 1623.
More About Richard Warren:
Note: Passenger aboard the "Mayflower"
Notes for Elizabeth Unknown:
Notes supplied by Tim Byars, email, 9/2000--- Richard Warren married an Elizabeth (1583) in London in 1605. She died October 2, 1673 at Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, Mass. Here surname was not March or Jouett and information about her ancestry is unknown. She and their five daughters arrived at Plymouth aboard the "Anne" in 1623.
More About Richard Warren and Elizabeth Unknown:
Marriage: 1611, London, England
Children of Richard Warren and Elizabeth Unknown are:
+ 2 i. Mary2 Warren, born 1608; died Unknown.
3 ii. Anne Warren, born 1612; died Unknown. She married Thomas Little; died Unknown.
4 iii. Sarah Warren, born 1614; died Unknown. She married John Cooke; died Unknown.
5 iv. Elizabeth Warren, born 1616; died Unknown. She married Richard Church; died Unknown.
6 v. Abigail Warren, born 1618; died Unknown. She married Antony Snot; died Unknown.
7 vi. Nathaniel Warren, born 1624; died Unknown. He married Sarah Walker; died Unknown.
8 vii. Joseph Warren, born 1627; died Unknown. He married Priscilla Founce; died Unknown.
Generation No. 2
2. Mary2 Warren (Richard1) was born 1608, and died Unknown. She married Robert Bartlett 1628 in Plymouth Colony. He died Unknown.
More About Robert Bartlett:
Immigration: 1623, To Plymouth Colony aboard the "Ann"
More About Robert Bartlett and Mary Warren:
Marriage: 1628, Plymouth Colony
Children of Mary Warren and Robert Bartlett are:
9 i. Benjamin3 Bartlett, died Unknown.
10 ii. Elizabeth Bartlett, died Unknown.
11 iii. Joseph Bartlett, died Unknown.
12 iv. Lydia Bartlett, died Unknown.
13 v. Mary Bartlett, died Unknown.
14 vi. Mercy Bartlett, died Unknown.
15 vii. Rebecca Bartlett, died Unknown.
+ 16 viii. Sarah Bartlett, born 1639 in Plymouth, Mass.; died June 14, 1680 in Plymouth, Mass..
Generation No. 3
16. Sarah3 Bartlett (Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1639 in Plymouth, Mass., and died June 14, 1680 in Plymouth, Mass.. She married Samuel Rider 1656 in Plymouth, Mass., son of Samuel Rider and Ann Unknown. He died Unknown.
More About Samuel Rider and Sarah Bartlett:
Marriage: 1656, Plymouth, Mass.
Children of Sarah Bartlett and Samuel Rider are:
17 i. Samuel4 Rider, born 1657; died Unknown.
18 ii. Mercy Rider, born Abt. 1659; died Unknown.
+ 19 iii. John Rider, born 1663 in Plymouth Colony; died Unknown.
Generation No. 4
19. John4 Rider (Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1663 in Plymouth Colony, and died Unknown. He married (1) Hannah Barnes 1703. She died Unknown. He married (2) Mary Southworth January 17, 1705/06. She died Unknown.
More About John Rider and Hannah Barnes:
Marriage: 1703
More About John Rider and Mary Southworth:
Marriage: January 17, 1705/06
Children of John Rider and Mary Southworth are:
20 i. Hannah5 Rider, born 1707; died Unknown.
21 ii. Sarah Rider, born 1711; died Unknown.
22 iii. John Rider, born 1712; died Unknown.
23 iv. Elizabeth Rider, born 1714; died Unknown.
24 v. Mary Rider, born 1716; died Unknown.
25 vi. Charles Rider, born 1718; died Unknown.
+ 26 vii. Rebecca Rider, born 1722; died March 14, 1792 in Plymouth, Mass..
27 viii. Jerusa Rider, born 1721; died Unknown.
Generation No. 5
26. Rebecca5 Rider (John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1722, and died March 14, 1792 in Plymouth, Mass.. She married Caleb Sherman June 22, 1745 in Plymouth, Mass., son of Samuel Sherman and Hannah Unknown. He was born April 1703 in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Mass., and died Bef. 1786 in Westmoreland county, New Brunswick, Canada.
More About Caleb Sherman:
Note: Name, Shearman, a shearer of sheep.
More About Caleb Sherman and Rebecca Rider:
Marriage: June 22, 1745, Plymouth, Mass.
Children of Rebecca Rider and Caleb Sherman are:
28 i. Young6 Sherman, born June 06, 1746; died Unknown.
+ 29 ii. Ring Sherman, born December 17, 1749 in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Mass.; died 1812 in Salisbury, Westmoreland County, New Brunswick, Canada.
30 iii. Hannah Sherman, born October 27, 1751; died Unknown. She married John Sampson; died Unknown.
31 iv. Sarah Sherman, born June 27, 1753; died Unknown. She married Josiah Drew; died Unknown.
32 v. Elizabeth Sherman, born July 01, 1755; died Unknown. She married John Wooten; died Unknown.
Generation No. 6
29. Ring6 Sherman (Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born December 17, 1749 in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Mass., and died 1812 in Salisbury, Westmoreland County, New Brunswick, Canada. He married Mary. She died Unknown.
Children of Ring Sherman and Mary are:
+ 33 i. Caleb J.7 Sherman, born February 14, 1785 in Salisbury, New Brunswick, Canada; died March 18, 1842.
34 ii. Ring Sherman, born 1799; died Unknown.
35 iii. Young Sherman, born 1800; died Unknown.
36 iv. Josiah Sherman, born 1802; died Unknown.
Generation No. 7
33. Caleb J.7 Sherman (Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born February 14, 1785 in Salisbury, New Brunswick, Canada, and died March 18, 1842. He married Mary Ann Heidy 1832 in Harrison Co., Ohio, daughter of John Heidy and Sarah Sterlings. She was born March 20, 1809 in Virginia, and died May 09, 1851 in Carroll Co, Ohio.
Notes for Caleb J. Sherman:
Caleb Sherman, Mary Ann's second husband, grandson of Caleb and Rebecca
(Rider) Sherman, had migrated in 1829 or 1830 to the Harrison-Carroll county
region from Salisbury Parish, Westmoreland County, New Brunswick--at that
time sometimes called British
America. Others had migrated from New Brunswick at about that same time.
The Beck family had done so. Caleb Sherman had two first cousins who had
married Becks. The Sherman's were not newcomers to the American continent.
They descended from early settlers at the Plymouth colony in Massachusetts.
They had gone to New Brunswick in 1764. On the same day that Mary Ann and
Caleb were married, April 10, 1832, Mary Ann's sister Jane Heidy and James
Rider were married by the same justice of the peace. Perhaps James Rider
had also come from New Brunswick.
When Caleb died in 1842, their triplets were still quite young. We do not
know for certain whether the triplets were born November 4, 1840, or
November 4, 1841. One of the triplets died in childhood and is buried at
Allen Cemetery. The stone gives his age as 7 and the year of death 1848.
This suggests 1841 as the birth year. Mary, the mother, still lived in
1848, but, of course, the stone could have been placed at the grave after
her death. The family name on the stone is spelled Shearman. The death
certificate for Samuel W. Sherman in 1916 listed his birth date as November
8, 1840. The death certificate for Uriah McCoy Sherman has November 8,
1840, as his birth date, but it also has his name as McCoy E. Sherman.
Neither a tombstone date nor death certificates are absolutely reliable.
Another tradition preserved the exact times of the births of the triplets on
November 8, 1841. Perhaps that record deserves credence.
Carroll County, Ohio, Probate Record Book A, page 292, has the following
will of Caleb Sherman:
The Estate of Caleb Sherman, Deceased
| Be it remembered
that heretofore to wit at a Court of Common Pleas began and held at the
Court House in Carrollton on Monday the Thirteenth day of June, Anno Domini
On motion of R. B. McClain, Esqr., the Last Will and Testament of Caleb
Sher [sic] was brought into court and the Witnesses to said Will came before
the Court and being duly sworn did depose and say that the said Deceased
signed and subscribed said Will
at the end thereof in the presence of the said Witnesses that the said
Witnesses attested and subscribed the said Will in the presence of said Decd
[?] Witnesses That the Testator was of sound mind and memory of full age an
d under no restraint which Testimony is hereby [two illegible words] and
filed And it appearing to the Court that said Will was duly executed
attested and proven the same is admitted to Probate In the words and figures
as follows, to wit:
I Caleb Sherman of the County of Carroll in the State of Ohio do make and
publish this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is
to say,
First it is my Will that my funeral expenses and all my just Debts be fully
paid. Second, I give, devise, and bequeath to my beloved Wife Mary Sherman
the Plantation on which we now reside situate in the County of Carroll in
the Township of Perry containing about eighty six acres during her natural
Life and all the live stock, Horses, cattle, sheep, Hogs, and also all the
House hold furniture and other times not particularly named in this Will,
during her natural life as aforesaid She however having disposed of a
sufficiency thereof to pay my just debts as aforesaid and that at the death
of my said Wife all the property hereby devised and bequeathed to her as
aforesaid or so much thereof as may then remain unexpended to my five sons
and one daughter to be equally divided: Jackson Sherman, Josiah Sherman,
John Sherman, Samuel W. Sherman, Uriah Sherman and Martha Jane Sherman. And
Lastly I do hereby Constitute and appoint my Wife Mary Sherman and Titus
Peck [Beck] to be the Executors of this my Last Will and Testament, revoking
and annulling all former Wills by me made and ratifying and confirming this
and no other to be my Last Will and Testament. In Testimony whereof I have
hereunto set my hand and seal this 16 day of March A. D. 1842.
Signed, published, and declared by the above named Caleb Sherman as and for
his Last Will and Testament in presence of us who hat his request have
signed as Witnesses to the same.
Joseph Harrison [?]
John Patterson
Thereupon the Court order that Letters Testamentary issue unto the said
Mary Sherman and Titus Peck the Executors named in said Will that they give
Bond agreeable to law in the sum of $900 with John Patterson and John Watt
as their securities who were accepted as such. Thereupon Marting [sic]
Wortman, Isaac Kirby [?], and Richard Swalles were appointed appraisers of
Thereupon Letter Testamentary were issued unto the Executors named in said
in the Words and figures as follows to wit| THE STATE OF OHIO CARROLL COUNTY
To all to whom these presents shall come Greeting. Know Ye, that the Court
of Common Pleas of said County, hath hereby granted Letters Testamentary on
the Estate of Caleb Sherman Dec'd., unto Mary Sherman and Titus Peck to whom
is committed all and singular the Goods, Chattels, Moneys, Rights, and
Credits of said Dec'd., and also all the Proceeds of all Real Estate of said
Dec'd. which they may be authorized to sell, and whose duty it shall be to
administer the same and to adjust and settle up the account of the Estate of
said Dec'd. in all respects agreeable to La. In testimony whereof the Seal
of the said Court is hereunto affixed. Witness my signature at Carrollton
in said County this 18th day of June 1842. A certified copy of the
foregoing Will
is attached.
David McCook,
Notes for Mary Ann Heidy:
First Marriage to John Faulkner, August 22, 1825, was performed by Morris Albaugh, J.P who's daughter Priscilla would marry Zach C. Thompson. Their son Samuel Thompson would marry Martha Sherman, daughter from Mary's second marriage to Caleb Sherman. Thus the Ohio connection was interwoven with relationships at the families settled into Iowa and Missouri.
Soon after Mary Ann's birth, the Heidy family moved from Virginia to
Fayette County, Pennsylvania. Later they moved on to a location in old
North Township, Harrison County, Ohio, probably in an area now a part of
Carroll County in the vicinity of Kilgore.
Mary Ann's first husband, George Faulkner, perhaps was a son of the John
Faulkner who had a large farm on Irish Creek south of where Kilgore now is
[State Land Office records, Auditor State of Ohio]. After George's early
death, Mary Ann returned with
her two small children to the home of her parents. This is an inference
from the 1830 census data for household of John Heidy, Sr.
Caleb Sherman, Mary Ann's second husband, grandson of Caleb and Rebecca
(Rider) Sherman, had migrated in 1829 or 1830 to the Harrison-Carroll county
region from Salisbury Parish, Westmoreland County, New Brunswick--at that
time sometimes called British
America. Others had migrated from New Brunswick at about that same time.
The Beck family had done so. Caleb Sherman had two first cousins who had
married Becks. The Sherman s were not newcomers to the American continent.
They descended from early settlers at the Plymouth colony in Massachusetts.
They had gone to New Brunswick in 1764. On the same day that Mary Ann and
Caleb were married, April 10, 1832, Mary Ann's sister Jane Heidy and James
Rider were married by the same justice of the peace. Perhaps James Rider
had also come from New Brunswick.
More About Mary Ann Heidy:
Burial: Unknown, Allen Cemetery, Perry Twp., Carroll Co., Ohio
More About Caleb Sherman and Mary Heidy:
Marriage: 1832, Harrison Co., Ohio
Note: Married by Thomas Day, J.P.
Children of Caleb Sherman and Mary Heidy are:
+ 37 i. Martha Jane8 Sherman, born January 10, 1833 in Harrison County, Ohio; died January 25, 1921.
38 ii. Andrew Jackson Geo. Wash. Sherman, born February 01, 1836; died 1863. He married Matilda Wood; died 1863.
39 iii. Joshia Martin Van Buren Sherman, born June 01, 1838; died October 16, 1921.
More About Joshia Martin Van Buren Sherman:
Residence: 1866, Fayette Co., Iowa
40 iv. John Patterson Sherman, born November 08, 1840; died August 08, 1848.
More About John Patterson Sherman:
Burial: Unknown, Allen Cemetery, Perry Twp., Carroll Co., Ohio
+ 41 v. Samuel William Sherman, born November 08, 1840; died October 09, 1916 in Dennison, Tuscarawas Co., Ohio.
+ 42 vi. Uriah McCoy Sherman, born November 08, 1840; died January 22, 1916 in Lemoyne, PA.
Generation No. 8
37. Martha Jane8 Sherman (Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born January 10, 1833 in Harrison County, Ohio, and died January 25, 1921. She married (1) Samuel Andrew Thompson I January 25, 1853 in Carroll Co, Ohio, son of Zachariah Thompson and Priscilla Albaugh. He was born August 15, 1827 in Rumley Twp., Harrison County, Ohio, and died April 07, 1865 in Trip to Harrison County, Ohio. She married (2) M. E. Little Aft. 1866 in Brush Creek (later Arlington, Fayette, Co., Iowa. He died Unknown.
More About Martha Jane Sherman:
Burial: Unknown, I.O.O.F. Cemetery, Harper, Kansas
Note: Eventually went to live with sons Zach C. II and Samuel A. II in Harper, Kansas after their migration.
Notes for Samuel Andrew Thompson I:
Information notes from "The Thompson Genealogy" by T.W. Thompson, 1979 edition---Samuel took a trip back to Ohio from Brush Creek (Arlington) to visit relatives and died and was buried in the Allen Cemetery before is family in Brush Creek, Iowa knew anything about it. His brave widow Martha J. Sherman (1833-1921) was left alone with six small children, the youngest being less than a year old, and the oldest 10 yrs old.
Burial is in Allen Memorial Cemetery: This fenced in cemetery is located on Castle Road, 0.8 of a miles from the intersection of State Route 164 and Castle road. It is cared for by the Perry Township Trustees. A row of evergreens and a farm gate guard the entrance. Crops may hide it from view. In the mid-1990's cattle overran the graveyard, damagin quite a number of stones.
Samuel Andrew Thompson is buried in the first grave site in Row 6. The stone is broken, the inscription reads, " Thompson, Samuel A., son of Andrew and Priscilla Thompson, died Apr 7, 1865, age 37y 7m 22d.
Thompson, Samuel I. From the Historical Collections of Harrison
County, Ohio, Page 172-3: Looking backward many years we find
brother Morris conning his lessons in a log schoolhouse that is furnished with slab
seats, a huge fireplace in one end and desks along the wall, he only
attended in the winter season and then was frequently absent on account
of the work upon the farm requiring his services. he was early inured to
hard work and at the age of seventeen began to learn the blacksmith's
trade which he followed until twenty-five years of age when he came to
Iowa. He made the trip with his brother Samuel, and the journey was
accomplished by means of the railroad, the lakes, the Mississippi, and
ox-teams which bore them to their destination. He purchased one hundred
and twenty acres of land a short distance east of Taylorville at $3 per
acre which exhausted his capital. Here he endured many hardships and
privations such as fall to the lot of a pioneer and did much hard work.
He was forced to go bare-footed some of the time and often worked out of
doors in cold weather without shelter, shooing oxen. He and his brother
walked five miles to cut logs for their house, eating frozen dinners in
the woods and when the cabin was built lived in it from April to
Christmas without a window. Morris I Jackson Thompson and
Samuel I Andrew Thompson came to Fayette county in the
fall of 1854, and having lived for seven years upon one farm purchased
his homestead in 1861. The land was wild and unimproved but he at once
began its development and now has two hundred and forty acres under a
high state of cultivation, furnished with the necessary buildings and in
connection with this he has enough to keep him in his declining years in
peace and plenty. Beside farming, Morris engaged in blacksmithing for thirty
years. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson [were] members of the Christian Church of
Brush Creek, with which he has been connected for twenty-eight years,
some of that time as Elder. He has done much for its upbuilding, labored
untiringly for its interests and given liberally for its support. A
Christian life has won him many friends who respect him for his many
excellencies of character, As a pioneer settler of the county he has
been identified with its history, has seen its growth and progress and
watched its development. Morris used to haul wheat forty miles with an
ox-team to the Mississippi River and then receive only forty cents per
bushel, but now has a market almost at his door. In political sentiments
he is a Republican, having supported that party since casting his first
vote for J. C. Fremont.
More About Samuel Andrew Thompson I:
Burial: Unknown, Allen Memorial Cem,PerryTwp, Carroll Co,Ohio
More About Samuel Thompson and Martha Sherman:
Marriage: January 25, 1853, Carroll Co, Ohio
More About M. E. Little:
Note: Name shows as M.F. Little on a 1875, Fayette Co., IA map.
Residence: Farmed 1-2 miles north of the Morris J. Thompson farm at Brush Creek, IA
More About M. Little and Martha Sherman:
Marriage: Aft. 1866, Brush Creek (later Arlington, Fayette, Co., Iowa
Children of Martha Sherman and Samuel Thompson are:
+ 43 i. Mary Priscilla9 Thompson, born 1855; died 1908.
+ 44 ii. Amanda Katura Thompson, born September 13, 1856 in Grannis Hollow, Iowa; died 1942 in Fayette, Iowa.
+ 45 iii. Annis E. Thompson, born 1858 in Grannis Canyon area of Fayette Co., Iowa; died 1930 in Kingman Co., Kansas.
+ 46 iv. Zachariah II Caleb Thompson, born 1860; died 1943.
+ 47 v. Frances A. Thompson, born 1862; died 1933.
+ 48 vi. Samuel Andrew Thompson II, born 1864 in Grannis Hollow area, Fayette Co., Iowa; died 1942.
41. Samuel William8 Sherman (Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born November 08, 1840, and died October 09, 1916 in Dennison, Tuscarawas Co., Ohio. He married Margaret A. Cole. She was born 1844, and died 1912.
More About Samuel William Sherman:
Burial: Unknown, Union Cemetery, Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas Co., Ohio
Children of Samuel Sherman and Margaret Cole are:
49 i. Unknown9 Sherman, died Unknown.
50 ii. Unknown Sherman, died Unknown.
51 iii. Unknown Sherman, died Unknown.
42. Uriah McCoy8 Sherman (Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born November 08, 1840, and died January 22, 1916 in Lemoyne, PA. He married Tacy Elizabeth Yencel February 02, 1862, daughter of John Yencel and Elizabeth Grissinger. She was born June 05, 1833, and died Unknown.
More About Uriah McCoy Sherman:
Burial: Unknown, Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Fairview Twp., York Co., PA
More About Uriah Sherman and Tacy Yencel:
Marriage: February 02, 1862
Children of Uriah Sherman and Tacy Yencel are:
52 i. John A.9 Sherman, died Unknown.
53 ii. William Caleb Sherman, died Unknown.
54 iii. James Sherman, died Unknown.
55 iv. Tacy Elizabeth Sherman, born April 02, 1872; died November 19, 1956. She married Sherman S. Bear; died Unknown.
More About Tacy Elizabeth Sherman:
Burial: Unknown, Camp Hill, PA
Residence: Wormlesburg, PA
Generation No. 9
43. Mary Priscilla9 Thompson (Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1855, and died 1908. She married (1) John L. Kline. He was born 1852, and died 1890. She married (2) William M. Gwinn. He was born 1833, and died 1908.
Children of Mary Thompson and John Kline are:
+ 56 i. Perry A.10 Kline, born 1880; died 1951.
+ 57 ii. Martha E. Kline, born Bet. 1883 - 1952; died Unknown.
+ 58 iii. Reba A. Kline, born February 28, 1887; died November 1976.
44. Amanda Katura9 Thompson (Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born September 13, 1856 in Grannis Hollow, Iowa, and died 1942 in Fayette, Iowa. She married Walter Eugene Hunt 1878. He was born 1851 in Banbury, England, and died 1945 in Fayette, Iowa.
More About Walter Hunt and Amanda Thompson:
Marriage: 1878
Children of Amanda Thompson and Walter Hunt are:
59 i. Flora Belle10 Hunt, born 1882; died Unknown. She married (1) Ross Rodgers; died Unknown. She married (2) L. L. Johnson; born 1869; died 1952.
More About L. L. Johnson:
Occupation: Civil Engineer until 1894
Residence: 1922, Chicago, practicing medicine since 1897.
+ 60 ii. John Samuel Hunt, born 1886; died 1961.
+ 61 iii. Walter Reuben Hunt, born 1887 in Fayette, Fayette Co., Iowa; died 1977 in Manchester, Iowa.
+ 62 iv. Nellie Hunt, born 1891; died Unknown.
+ 63 v. Martha Hunt, born 1895 in Fayette, Fayette Co., Iowa; died 1965 in Fayette, Fayette Co., Iowa.
45. Annis E.9 Thompson (Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1858 in Grannis Canyon area of Fayette Co., Iowa, and died 1930 in Kingman Co., Kansas. She married William Robinson 1880 in Fayette Co., Iowa. He was born 1857, and died 1929.
Notes for Annis E. Thompson:
Homesteaded with her husband in Kingman Co., Kansas, in 1883, thus the couple was one of the earliest settlers in this area of Kansas, and were community leaders. About 1892 , when there was no school to attend in Kansas for the older children, the family returned by wagon train back to Arlington, Iowa, where they had relocated from. In Arlington, Walter and Ethel attended school. William James Robinson as a carpenter during this time. Then in 1894, the family returned to the homestead farm where the parents lived the rest of their lives. Walter inherited the farm after he graduated from Manhattan State Agricultural School.
More About Annis E. Thompson:
Relocated: 1892, Back to Arlington, Iowa for high school education for Walter and Ethel.
Removed: 1883, From Arlington, Fayette Co., Iowa to Kingman Co., Kansas to homestead.
More About William Robinson and Annis Thompson:
Marriage: 1880, Fayette Co., Iowa
Children of Annis Thompson and William Robinson are:
+ 64 i. Walter S.10 Robinson, born 1885; died 1963.
+ 65 ii. Mary Ethel Robinson, born 1887; died Unknown.
+ 66 iii. Inez L. Robinson, born 1888; died Unknown.
+ 67 iv. James L. Robinson, born 1891; died Unknown.
46. Zachariah II Caleb9 Thompson (Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1860, and died 1943. He married Lydia Kate Gwinn March 03, 1887 in Harper, Harper Co., Kansas. She died 1939.
Notes for Zachariah II Caleb Thompson:
Notes taken from "Thompson Genealogy"---Zach II C. drew the plans for the historic round, self-supporting barn that was built on his farm near Harper, Kansas. Zach II was a business man as well as a farmer. He was President of the Board, of the Christian College that was in Harper for years.
More About Zachariah II Caleb Thompson:
Occupation: Farmer and Merchant in Harper, KS
More About Zachariah Thompson and Lydia Gwinn:
Marriage: March 03, 1887, Harper, Harper Co., Kansas
Note: Recorded book A, page 259.
Children of Zachariah Thompson and Lydia Gwinn are:
+ 68 i. Caleb Ray10 Thompson, born 1886; died 1947.
+ 69 ii. William G. Thompson, born 1891; died 1950.
+ 70 iii. Zachariah III Caleb Thompson, born 1893; died Unknown.
+ 71 iv. Alma M. Thompson, born 1895; died Unknown.
+ 72 v. Alfred E. Thompson, born 1896; died Unknown.
73 vi. Maurice N. Thompson, born 1898; died 1933. He married Winnie Wilson Private; born Private.
More About Maurice Thompson and Winnie Wilson:
Private-Begin: Private
+ 74 vii. Samuel Arch Thompson, born 1901; died Unknown.
+ 75 viii. James A. Thompson, born 1903; died 1977.
76 ix. Martha E. Thompson, born 1900; died 1900.
77 x. Lyda C. Thompson, born 1905; died 1905.
78 xi. Florence M. Thompson, born Private. She married Edward Carnes Private; born 1900; died Unknown.
More About Edward Carnes and Florence Thompson:
Private-Begin: Private
47. Frances A.9 Thompson (Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1862, and died 1933. She married James T. Shambaugh. He was born 1854, and died 1907.
Children of Frances Thompson and James Shambaugh are:
+ 79 i. Elma Jane10 Shambaugh, born October 08, 1881; died March 1980.
80 ii. Velma A. Shambaugh, born 1883; died 1945. She married Carl Titus; born 1879; died 1949.
+ 81 iii. Cleveland J. Shambaugh, born 1885; died 1918.
+ 82 iv. Arthur L. Shambaugh, born 1892; died 1947.
+ 83 v. Bertha May Shambaugh, born November 28, 1894; died June 27, 1989.
48. Samuel Andrew9 Thompson II (Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1864 in Grannis Hollow area, Fayette Co., Iowa, and died 1942. He married Ida Liggett Gwinn April 06, 1892 in Harper, Harper Co., Kansas, daughter of William Gwinn and Martha Liggett. She was born 1869, and died 1958.
Notes for Samuel Andrew Thompson II:
Notes taken from "Thompson Genealogy"---Samuel II Andrew Thompson, at the age of 19, in 1883, migrated from Arlington, Fayette Co., Iowa with a team of horses and a wagon, accompanied by James and Frank Carnall, to the southwest corner of Kingman Co., Kansas, near the town of Nashville, where his sister Annis Thompson Robinson and his brother Zach II Caleb Thompson, had just seized government claims. Samuel II was too young to do so, thus he sold the land he had taken up to his brother Zach II. After that, for at least a short while, he earned a livelihood by "breaking sod" using a "sod breaker" plow.
More About Samuel Andrew Thompson II:
Occupation: 1884, Sod Breaker
Removed: 1883, Nashville, Kingman Co., Kansas
More About Samuel Thompson and Ida Gwinn:
Marriage: April 06, 1892, Harper, Harper Co., Kansas
Note: Recorded book B, page72.
Children of Samuel Thompson and Ida Gwinn are:
+ 84 i. Harry Gwinn10 Thompson, born 1893 in Harper, Kansas; died 1953 in Harper, Kansas.
85 ii. Jay Leslie Thompson, born May 25, 1895 in Harper, Harper Co., Kansas; died May 1979. He married Edna Maude Aden June 01, 1922 in Harper, Harper Co., Kansas; born 1895; died 1967.
More About Jay Leslie Thompson:
Occupation: Teacher, Pasedena, CA schools.
More About Jay Thompson and Edna Aden:
Marriage: June 01, 1922, Harper, Harper Co., Kansas
Note: Recorded book I, page 347.
+ 86 iii. Reed S. Thompson, born March 21, 1897; died October 1975.
+ 87 iv. Walter James Thompson, born 1899; died Unknown.
88 v. Fay H. Thompson, born 1901; died 1914.
89 vi. Alice M. Thompson, born Private. She married Lawrence Billingsly Private; born 1897; died 1967.
More About Lawrence Billingsly:
Occupation: Farmer in Harper, KS
More About Lawrence Billingsly and Alice Thompson:
Private-Begin: Private
+ 90 vii. Martha E. Thompson, born 1903; died 1963.
91 viii. Unknown Thompson, born 1907 in Stillborn; died 1907.
+ 92 ix. John M. Thompson, born Private.
+ 93 x. Roy Thompson, born Private.
Generation No. 10
56. Perry A.10 Kline (Mary Priscilla9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1880, and died 1951. He married Sarah E. Johnson. She was born 1882, and died Unknown.
Children of Perry Kline and Sarah Johnson are:
94 i. Vivian B.11 Kline, born Private. She married (1) Clinton Jacobs Private; born 1902; died 1950. She married (2) James E. Lee Private; born 1900; died Unknown.
More About Clinton Jacobs and Vivian Kline:
Private-Begin: Private
More About James Lee and Vivian Kline:
Private-Begin: Private
+ 95 ii. Mary M. Kline, born Private.
96 iii. Johnson Kline, born Private. He married Mabel G. Smith Private; born Private.
More About Johnson Kline and Mabel Smith:
Private-Begin: Private
+ 97 iv. Robert Kline, born Private.
+ 98 v. Walter L. Kline, born Private.
+ 99 vi. Marjorie M. Kline, born Private.
+ 100 vii. Leroy Kline, born Private.
+ 101 viii. Barbara L. Kline, born Private.
57. Martha E.10 Kline (Mary Priscilla9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Bet. 1883 - 1952, and died Unknown. She married Edgar Hubbell. He was born 1873, and died 1961.
Children of Martha Kline and Edgar Hubbell are:
102 i. Bernice M.11 Hubbell, born Private.
103 ii. Everett R. Hubbell, born Private.
104 iii. Morton L. Hubbell, born Private.
105 iv. Archie L. Hubbell, born Private.
106 v. Cecil E. Hubbell, born Private.
107 vi. Una I. Hubbell, born Private.
58. Reba A.10 Kline (Mary Priscilla9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born February 28, 1887, and died November 1976. She married Rass LeCrone. He was born September 20, 1882, and died March 1969.
Child of Reba Kline and Rass LeCrone is:
108 i. Helen Viola11 LeCrone, born Private.
60. John Samuel10 Hunt (Amanda Katura9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1886, and died 1961. He married (1) Olive Douglas. She was born 1887, and died Unknown. He married (2) Elizabeth Bouman. She was born 1900, and died Unknown.
More About John Samuel Hunt:
Residence: California
Child of John Hunt and Olive Douglas is:
+ 109 i. John Douglas11 Hunt, born 1917; died 1958.
61. Walter Reuben10 Hunt (Amanda Katura9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1887 in Fayette, Fayette Co., Iowa, and died 1977 in Manchester, Iowa. He married Winnifred Mary Strayer. She was born 1890 in Calmar, Winneshiek Co., Iowa, and died 1977 in Manchester, Iowa.
More About Walter Reuben Hunt:
Burial: Unknown, Grandview Cemetery, Fayette, Iowa
More About Winnifred Mary Strayer:
Burial: Unknown, Grandview Cemetery, Fayette, Iowa
Children of Walter Hunt and Winnifred Strayer are:
+ 110 i. Donald Reuben11 Hunt, born 1916 in Fayette, Iowa; died 1990 in Oelwein, Iowa.
+ 111 ii. Eleanor Winnifred Hunt, born 1919 in Fayette, Iowa; died 1965.
62. Nellie10 Hunt (Amanda Katura9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1891, and died Unknown. She married (1) E. E. Timm. He was born 1882, and died 1956. She married (2) James Nelson. He died 1962.
Child of Nellie Hunt and E. Timm is:
+ 112 i. Philip11 Timm, born Private.
63. Martha10 Hunt (Amanda Katura9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1895 in Fayette, Fayette Co., Iowa, and died 1965 in Fayette, Fayette Co., Iowa. She married Glenn Noble. He was born 1898, and died 1958.
More About Martha Hunt:
Burial: Unknown, Grandview Cemetery, Fayette, Iowa
Child of Martha Hunt and Glenn Noble is:
113 i. Lois Adeline11 Noble, born 1914; died 1940.
More About Lois Adeline Noble:
Note: Died while teaching school.
64. Walter S.10 Robinson (Annis E.9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1885, and died 1963. He married Mary E. Inslee. She was born 1889, and died 1979.
Children of Walter Robinson and Mary Inslee are:
114 i. Carl G.11 Robinson, born 1912; died 1919.
115 ii. Ralph R. Robinson, born Private.
116 iii. Cecil R. Robinson, born Private.
117 iv. Walter S. Robinson II, born Private.
118 v. Wilma H. Robinson, born Private.
65. Mary Ethel10 Robinson (Annis E.9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1887, and died Unknown. She married Gordon Newman. He was born 1886, and died 1964.
More About Mary Ethel Robinson:
Education: 1910, Nurse, West Side Hospital, Witchita, KS
Occupation: 1924, Nurse, Dr. E.W. Adamson, Douglas, AZ, for 38 yrs.
More About Gordon Newman:
Occupation: Police officer and constable, Douglas, AZ
Child of Mary Robinson and Gordon Newman is:
119 i. Gordon11 Newman II, born Private.
66. Inez L.10 Robinson (Annis E.9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1888, and died Unknown. She married Walter B. Torrence. He was born 1885, and died 1961.
Children of Inez Robinson and Walter Torrence are:
120 i. James G.11 Torrence, born Private.
121 ii. Hale E. Torrence, born Private.
122 iii. Calvin Torrence, born Private.
67. James L.10 Robinson (Annis E.9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1891, and died Unknown. He married Virginia Mears. She was born 1893, and died Unknown.
Children of James Robinson and Virginia Mears are:
123 i. Preston11 Robinson, born 1920; died 1927.
124 ii. Russel Robinson, born Private.
125 iii. LeRoy Robinson, born Private.
68. Caleb Ray10 Thompson (Zachariah II Caleb9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1886, and died 1947. He married Minnie F. Melvin September 29, 1910 in Harper, Harper Co., Kansas. She was born 1889, and died 1976.
More About Caleb Thompson and Minnie Melvin:
Marriage: September 29, 1910, Harper, Harper Co., Kansas
Note: Recorded book FU, page 107.
Children of Caleb Thompson and Minnie Melvin are:
+ 126 i. Velma Fern11 Thompson, born Private.
+ 127 ii. Raymond Allen Thompson, born Private.
+ 128 iii. Mary Louise Thompson, born Private.
69. William G.10 Thompson (Zachariah II Caleb9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1891, and died 1950. He married Donna Blevins. She was born 1893, and died 1924.
Children of William Thompson and Donna Blevins are:
129 i. Joyce E.11 Thompson, born 1913; died 1960.
More About Joyce E. Thompson:
Occupation: Registered Nurse, Navy, San Diego, CA
+ 130 ii. William Ewald Thompson, born Private.
+ 131 iii. Wilma E. Thompson, born Private.
+ 132 iv. Don A. Thompson, born 1921; died 1961.
+ 133 v. Martha Nell Thompson, born Private.
70. Zachariah III Caleb10 Thompson (Zachariah II Caleb9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1893, and died Unknown. He married Katharine Stone. She was born 1897, and died Unknown.
Children of Zachariah Thompson and Katharine Stone are:
134 i. Glendon S.11 Thompson, born Private.
+ 135 ii. Melba E. Thompson, born Private.
136 iii. Irma R. Thompson, born 1917; died 1918.
137 iv. Billy J. Thompson, born 1923; died 1945 in WW II, Italy, ArmyAirForce Pilot, killed in combat..
More About Billy J. Thompson:
Burial: Unknown, Naples, Italy
138 v. James R. Thompson, born Private.
+ 139 vi. Katherine A. Thompson, born Private.
+ 140 vii. Jack Thompson, born Private.
71. Alma M.10 Thompson (Zachariah II Caleb9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1895, and died Unknown. She married Lory R. Mathes in Harper, Harper Co., Kansas. He was born 1892, and died Unknown.
Notes for Alma M. Thompson:
Married Lory Mathes of Harper, Kansas, B. December 2, 1892, died December 1970.
More About Alma M. Thompson:
Residence: Harper, Harper Co., Kansas
More About Lory R. Mathes:
Occupation: Farmer
Residence: Harper, Harper Co., Kansas
More About Lory Mathes and Alma Thompson:
Marriage: Harper, Harper Co., Kansas
Note: Recorded book?, page 435, date not recorded.
Children of Alma Thompson and Lory Mathes are:
+ 141 i. Loraine Melba11 Mathes, born Private.
142 ii. Harold Mathes, born Private. He married Yvonne Daniel Private; born Private.
More About Harold Mathes and Yvonne Daniel:
Private-Begin: Private
143 iii. Aletha Ruth Mathes, born Private.
+ 144 iv. Loren Ray Mathes, born Private.
72. Alfred E.10 Thompson (Zachariah II Caleb9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1896, and died Unknown. He married Tina Blevins. She was born 1898, and died Unknown.
Children of Alfred Thompson and Tina Blevins are:
145 i. Cleta Mae11 Thompson, born Private. She married Melvin Vobach Private; born Private.
More About Melvin Vobach and Cleta Thompson:
Private-Begin: Private
+ 146 ii. Marjorie Thompson, born Private.
147 iii. Robert Thompson, born Private. He married Virginia Bell Private; born Private.
More About Robert Thompson and Virginia Bell:
Private-Begin: Private
74. Samuel Arch10 Thompson (Zachariah II Caleb9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1901, and died Unknown. He married Hildreth A. Shidler Private. She was born Private.
More About Samuel Arch Thompson:
Occupation: Superintendent of Schools, McAlester, Oklahoma
More About Samuel Thompson and Hildreth Shidler:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of Samuel Thompson and Hildreth Shidler are:
+ 148 i. Jaquelin J.11 Thompson, born Private.
149 ii. Karen A. Thompson, born 1946; died 1947.
150 iii. Sue Ann Thompson, born Private.
75. James A.10 Thompson (Zachariah II Caleb9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1903, and died 1977. He married Ruby Valentine Private. She was born Private.
More About James A. Thompson:
Occupation: Executive, Phillips Petroleum, Bartelsville, OK
More About James Thompson and Ruby Valentine:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of James Thompson and Ruby Valentine are:
151 i. Anita Mae11 Thompson, born Private.
152 ii. Glenna Dean Thompson, born Private.
153 iii. Richard Thompson, born Private.
79. Elma Jane10 Shambaugh (Frances A.9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born October 08, 1881, and died March 1980. She married Frank M. Ross. He was born 1881, and died 1914.
More About Elma Jane Shambaugh:
Occupation: Teacher in Arlington, Iowa.
Child of Elma Shambaugh and Frank Ross is:
154 i. Darl Morten11 Ross, born Private.
81. Cleveland J.10 Shambaugh (Frances A.9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1885, and died 1918. He married Laura I. Haxton. She was born 1883, and died 1953.
More About Cleveland J. Shambaugh:
Occupation: Doctor
More About Laura I. Haxton:
Occupation: Teacher
Child of Cleveland Shambaugh and Laura Haxton is:
155 i. Frank James11 Shambaugh, born Private.
82. Arthur L.10 Shambaugh (Frances A.9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1892, and died 1947. He married Mildred M. Roys. She was born August 07, 1892, and died April 1981.
Children of Arthur Shambaugh and Mildred Roys are:
156 i. Leroy J.11 Shambaugh, born 1913; died 1929.
157 ii. Marie J. Shambaugh, born Private.
158 iii. Francis Shambaugh, born 1917; died 1917.
159 iv. Harley B. Shambaugh, born Private.
160 v. Dale B. Shambaugh, born Private.
161 vi. Jas. W. Shambaugh, born 1925; died 1925.
83. Bertha May10 Shambaugh (Frances A.9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born November 28, 1894, and died June 27, 1989. She married Rudolph R. Knoerr. He was born 1892, and died 1962.
More About Bertha May Shambaugh:
Education: Drake U., Des Moines
Occupation: Social Services
More About Rudolph R. Knoerr:
Occupation: Electrical Engineer, taught at U of Wisc., Drexel Institute.
Children of Bertha Shambaugh and Rudolph Knoerr are:
162 i. Kenneth11 Knoerr, born Private.
163 ii. Donald Knoerr, born Private.
84. Harry Gwinn10 Thompson (Samuel Andrew9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1893 in Harper, Kansas, and died 1953 in Harper, Kansas. He married Verla Marie Newel 1920, daughter of Andrew Newell and Mary Hatton. She was born 1898, and died Unknown.
More About Harry Thompson and Verla Newel:
Marriage: 1920
Children of Harry Thompson and Verla Newel are:
+ 164 i. Melva Arlene11 Thompson, born September 16, 1922 in Harper, Kansas; died September 24, 1995 in Porterville, California.
165 ii. Harlan Gwinn Thompson, born Private.
+ 166 iii. Phillip Andrew Thompson, born Private.
86. Reed S.10 Thompson (Samuel Andrew9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born March 21, 1897, and died October 1975. He married Bessie M. Galloway August 07, 1919 in Harper, Harper Co., Kansas. She was born 1900, and died Unknown.
More About Reed S. Thompson:
Occupation: Farmer, near Medford, Oregon
More About Reed Thompson and Bessie Galloway:
Marriage: August 07, 1919, Harper, Harper Co., Kansas
Note: Recorded book H, page 330.
Children of Reed Thompson and Bessie Galloway are:
167 i. Warren H.11 Thompson, born Private.
168 ii. Harry L. Thompson, born Private.
169 iii. Mary L. Thompson, born Private.
170 iv. Alice L. Thompson, born Private.
87. Walter James10 Thompson (Samuel Andrew9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1899, and died Unknown. He married Ona Merle Crist May 09, 1920 in Harper, Harper Co., Kansas. She was born January 20, 1899, and died November 1995.
More About Walter James Thompson:
Occupation: Run a Skogmos Store in Harper, KS
More About Walter Thompson and Ona Crist:
Marriage: May 09, 1920, Harper, Harper Co., Kansas
Note: Recorded book I, page 51.
Children of Walter Thompson and Ona Crist are:
+ 171 i. Loren Walter11 Thompson, born Private.
+ 172 ii. Foy Nelson Thompson, born Private.
90. Martha E.10 Thompson (Samuel Andrew9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1903, and died 1963. She married Clarice P. Short. He was born January 04, 1900, and died August 06, 1992.
More About Clarice P. Short:
Occupation: Operated large dairy farm near Harper, KS
Children of Martha Thompson and Clarice Short are:
173 i. Clarice Howard11 Short, born Private.
174 ii. Robert Roy Short, born Private.
92. John M.10 Thompson (Samuel Andrew9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. He married Pauline Phillips Private. She was born Private.
More About John Thompson and Pauline Phillips:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of John Thompson and Pauline Phillips are:
175 i. Son11 Thompson, born Private.
176 ii. Samuel Elmer Thompson, born Private.
93. Roy10 Thompson (Samuel Andrew9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. He married Goldie Perkins Private. She was born Private.
More About Roy Thompson and Goldie Perkins:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of Roy Thompson and Goldie Perkins are:
177 i. Norman L.11 Thompson, born Private.
178 ii. Ida M. Thompson, born Private.
179 iii. Martha R. Thompson, born Private.
Generation No. 11
95. Mary M.11 Kline (Perry A.10, Mary Priscilla9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. She married Elton M. Couch Private. He was born 1903, and died Unknown.
More About Elton Couch and Mary Kline:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of Mary Kline and Elton Couch are:
+ 180 i. Mary B.12 Couch, born Private.
+ 181 ii. Virginia M. Couch, born Private.
182 iii. Elton M. Couch, born 1936; died 1936.
97. Robert11 Kline (Perry A.10, Mary Priscilla9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. He married Vala M. McNabb Private. She was born 1909, and died 1951.
More About Robert Kline and Vala McNabb:
Private-Begin: Private
Child of Robert Kline and Vala McNabb is:
183 i. Marvin Dean12 Kline, born Private.
98. Walter L.11 Kline (Perry A.10, Mary Priscilla9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. He married (1) Adeline Frame Private. She was born Private. He married (2) Bessie L. H. Veeley Private. She was born Private.
More About Walter Kline and Adeline Frame:
Private-Begin: Private
More About Walter Kline and Bessie Veeley:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of Walter Kline and Adeline Frame are:
+ 184 i. Rochelle12 Kline, born Private.
185 ii. Leslie L. Kline, born Private.
186 iii. Mary Elizabeth Kline, born Private.
99. Marjorie M.11 Kline (Perry A.10, Mary Priscilla9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. She married Ben L. Davis Private. He was born Private.
More About Ben Davis and Marjorie Kline:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of Marjorie Kline and Ben Davis are:
+ 187 i. Sherry A.12 Davis, born Private.
188 ii. Karen Jean Davis, born Private.
189 iii. Jerry Dean Davis, born Private.
190 iv. William Perry Davis, born Private.
100. Leroy11 Kline (Perry A.10, Mary Priscilla9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. He married (1) Bonita Martin Private. She was born 1921, and died 1946. He married (2) Bethel M. Koehn Private. She was born Private.
More About Leroy Kline and Bonita Martin:
Private-Begin: Private
More About Leroy Kline and Bethel Koehn:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of Leroy Kline and Bonita Martin are:
191 i. Patricia L.12 Kline, born Private.
192 ii. William Perry Kline, born Private.
Children of Leroy Kline and Bethel Koehn are:
193 i. Charles D.12 Kline, born Private.
194 ii. Cheryl K. Kline, born 1955; died 1955.
101. Barbara L.11 Kline (Perry A.10, Mary Priscilla9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. She married Austin E. Cordray Private. He was born Private.
More About Austin Cordray and Barbara Kline:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of Barbara Kline and Austin Cordray are:
195 i. Richard L.12 Cordray, born Private.
196 ii. Jax. Randall Cordray, born Private.
109. John Douglas11 Hunt (John Samuel10, Amanda Katura9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1917, and died 1958. He married Nellie Private. She was born Private.
More About John Hunt and Nellie:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of John Hunt and Nellie are:
197 i. Steve12 Hunt, born Private.
198 ii. LeAnn Susan Hunt, born Private.
110. Donald Reuben11 Hunt (Walter Reuben10, Amanda Katura9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1916 in Fayette, Iowa, and died 1990 in Oelwein, Iowa. He married Ruth Mettler Pfeiffer May 25, 1946 in West Union, Iowa. She was born May 16, 1914 in Oelwein, Iowa, and died September 25, 1998 in Oelwein, Iowa.
More About Donald Reuben Hunt:
Education: Graduated Upper Iowa University, Fayette.
Military service: Flight Sargent, WW II, Army Air Corp
Occupation: Farmed four miles west of Oelwein, Iowa.
More About Ruth Mettler Pfeiffer:
Education: Graduated Upper Iowa University, Fayette.
More About Donald Hunt and Ruth Pfeiffer:
Marriage: May 25, 1946, West Union, Iowa
Children of Donald Hunt and Ruth Pfeiffer are:
+ 199 i. Henry Donald12 Hunt, born Private.
+ 200 ii. Donna Ruth Hunt, born Private.
111. Eleanor Winnifred11 Hunt (Walter Reuben10, Amanda Katura9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1919 in Fayette, Iowa, and died 1965. She married Theo Marcus Zbornik. He was born 1919, and died 1986.
More About Eleanor Winnifred Hunt:
Occupation: Career High School Teacher
More About Theo Marcus Zbornik:
Military service: C47 Navigator, WW II, Army Air Corp
Occupation: Auto Body Shop
Residence: Fayette, Iowa
Children of Eleanor Hunt and Theo Zbornik are:
201 i. Barry Marcus12 Zbornik, born Private.
202 ii. Winnie Mae Zbornik, born Private.
112. Philip11 Timm (Nellie10 Hunt, Amanda Katura9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. He married Maria Private. She was born Private.
More About Philip Timm and Maria:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of Philip Timm and Maria are:
+ 203 i. Glenn12 Timm, born Private.
204 ii. Elizabeth Timm, born Private. She married Byron Christian Private; born Private.
More About Byron Christian and Elizabeth Timm:
Private-Begin: Private
126. Velma Fern11 Thompson (Caleb Ray10, Zachariah II Caleb9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. She married George Phares Decker Private. He was born Private.
More About George Decker and Velma Thompson:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of Velma Thompson and George Decker are:
205 i. Glenn A.12 Decker, born Private.
206 ii. David George Decker, born Private.
207 iii. Pharlee Fern Decker, born Private.
127. Raymond Allen11 Thompson (Caleb Ray10, Zachariah II Caleb9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. He married Majol L. Pollom Private. She was born Private.
More About Raymond Thompson and Majol Pollom:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of Raymond Thompson and Majol Pollom are:
208 i. Amy L.12 Thompson, born Private.
209 ii. Abby L. Thompson, born Private.
128. Mary Louise11 Thompson (Caleb Ray10, Zachariah II Caleb9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. She married Clifford Heckathorne Private. He was born Private.
More About Clifford Heckathorne and Mary Thompson:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of Mary Thompson and Clifford Heckathorne are:
210 i. Kevin D.12 Heckathorne, born Private.
211 ii. Karen L. Heckathorne, born Private.
130. William Ewald11 Thompson (William G.10, Zachariah II Caleb9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. He married Ann Coker Private. She was born Private.
More About William Thompson and Ann Coker:
Private-Begin: Private
Child of William Thompson and Ann Coker is:
212 i. William Lee12 Thompson, born Private.
131. Wilma E.11 Thompson (William G.10, Zachariah II Caleb9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. She married Lynn Coffman Private. He was born Private.
More About Lynn Coffman and Wilma Thompson:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of Wilma Thompson and Lynn Coffman are:
213 i. Joyce Ann12 Coffman, born Private.
214 ii. Judity Lynn Coffman, born Private.
132. Don A.11 Thompson (William G.10, Zachariah II Caleb9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born 1921, and died 1961. He married Ellen A. Ramey Private. She was born Private.
More About Don Thompson and Ellen Ramey:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of Don Thompson and Ellen Ramey are:
215 i. Steven Gwinn12 Thompson, born Private.
216 ii. Don Clinton Thompson, born Private.
133. Martha Nell11 Thompson (William G.10, Zachariah II Caleb9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. She married Daniel Owen Private. He was born Private.
More About Daniel Owen and Martha Thompson:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of Martha Thompson and Daniel Owen are:
217 i. Virginia B.12 Owen, born Private.
218 ii. Daniel William Owen, born Private.
135. Melba E.11 Thompson (Zachariah III Caleb10, Zachariah II Caleb9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. She married C. Edward Petty Private. He was born Private.
More About C. Petty and Melba Thompson:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of Melba Thompson and C. Petty are:
219 i. Paul12 Petty, born Private.
220 ii. Lora Petty, born Private.
221 iii. Ralph Petty, born Private.
222 iv. Carl Petty, born Private.
223 v. James Petty, born Private.
139. Katherine A.11 Thompson (Zachariah III Caleb10, Zachariah II Caleb9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. She married William Schleyer Private. He was born Private.
More About William Schleyer and Katherine Thompson:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of Katherine Thompson and William Schleyer are:
224 i. Karen Ann12 Schleyer, born Private.
225 ii. Jon Mark Schleyer, born Private.
140. Jack11 Thompson (Zachariah III Caleb10, Zachariah II Caleb9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. He married Lillian P. Brady Private. She was born Private.
More About Jack Thompson and Lillian Brady:
Private-Begin: Private
Child of Jack Thompson and Lillian Brady is:
226 i. Debbie K.12 Thompson, born Private.
141. Loraine Melba11 Mathes (Alma M.10 Thompson, Zachariah II Caleb9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. She married Verne Everson Private. He was born Private.
More About Verne Everson and Loraine Mathes:
Private-Begin: Private
Child of Loraine Mathes and Verne Everson is:
227 i. Sandra Kay12 Everson, born Private.
144. Loren Ray11 Mathes (Alma M.10 Thompson, Zachariah II Caleb9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. He married Shirley Watkins Private. She was born Private.
More About Loren Mathes and Shirley Watkins:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of Loren Mathes and Shirley Watkins are:
228 i. Shelly Ann12 Mathes, born Private.
229 ii. Rand J. Mathes, born Private.
230 iii. John Barry Mathes, born Private.
146. Marjorie11 Thompson (Alfred E.10, Zachariah II Caleb9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. She married Gene Wilson Private. He was born Private.
More About Gene Wilson and Marjorie Thompson:
Private-Begin: Private
Child of Marjorie Thompson and Gene Wilson is:
231 i. Bobbie12 Wilson, born Private.
148. Jaquelin J.11 Thompson (Samuel Arch10, Zachariah II Caleb9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. She married Phil A. Martin Private. He was born Private.
More About Phil Martin and Jaquelin Thompson:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of Jaquelin Thompson and Phil Martin are:
232 i. Phil A.12 Martin, born Private.
233 ii. Melinda Martin, born Private.
234 iii. Julia B. Martin, born Private.
235 iv. Dana Jo Martin, born Private.
164. Melva Arlene11 Thompson (Harry Gwinn10, Samuel Andrew9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born September 16, 1922 in Harper, Kansas, and died September 24, 1995 in Porterville, California. She married Crockett Vernon Byars Private, son of Eugen Byars and Dovie Loflin. He was born Private.
More About Crockett Byars and Melva Thompson:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of Melva Thompson and Crockett Byars are:
236 i. Thomas Edward12 Byars, born Private.
237 ii. Timothy Vernon Byars, born Private.
238 iii. Mark Alton Byars Byars, born Private.
166. Phillip Andrew11 Thompson (Harry Gwinn10, Samuel Andrew9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. He married Shirley Andrews Private. She was born Private.
More About Phillip Thompson and Shirley Andrews:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of Phillip Thompson and Shirley Andrews are:
239 i. Paul12 Thompson, born Private.
240 ii. Patricia Thompson, born Private.
241 iii. James Thompson, born Private.
242 iv. Jay Thompson, born Private.
171. Loren Walter11 Thompson (Walter James10, Samuel Andrew9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. He married Dorothy J. Hall Private. She was born Private.
More About Loren Thompson and Dorothy Hall:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of Loren Thompson and Dorothy Hall are:
243 i. Michael Loren12 Thompson, born Private.
244 ii. Lou Ann Thompson, born Private.
172. Foy Nelson11 Thompson (Walter James10, Samuel Andrew9, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. He married Kathlene Tolle Private. She was born Private.
More About Foy Thompson and Kathlene Tolle:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of Foy Thompson and Kathlene Tolle are:
245 i. Candie A.12 Thompson, born Private.
246 ii. Margaret V. Thompson, born Private.
247 iii. Rickey Thompson, born Private.
Generation No. 12
180. Mary B.12 Couch (Mary M.11 Kline, Perry A.10, Mary Priscilla9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. She married James V. Smith Private. He was born Private.
More About James Smith and Mary Couch:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of Mary Couch and James Smith are:
248 i. James V.13 Smith, born Private.
249 ii. Sarah E. Smith, born Private.
181. Virginia M.12 Couch (Mary M.11 Kline, Perry A.10, Mary Priscilla9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. She married Gordon L. Hogland Private. He was born Private.
More About Gordon Hogland and Virginia Couch:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of Virginia Couch and Gordon Hogland are:
250 i. Janet13 Hogland, born Private.
251 ii. Jerry L. Hogland, born Private.
252 iii. Joyce M. Hogland, born Private.
184. Rochelle12 Kline (Walter L.11, Perry A.10, Mary Priscilla9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. She married (1) Karl E. Geis Private. He was born Private. She married (2) John J. Lundy Private. He was born Private.
More About Karl Geis and Rochelle Kline:
Private-Begin: Private
More About John Lundy and Rochelle Kline:
Private-Begin: Private
Child of Rochelle Kline and Karl Geis is:
253 i. Douglas L.13 Geis, born Private.
Children of Rochelle Kline and John Lundy are:
254 i. Gregory13 Lundy, born Private.
255 ii. Patricia Lundy, born Private.
187. Sherry A.12 Davis (Marjorie M.11 Kline, Perry A.10, Mary Priscilla9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. She married Lloyd L. Coulter Private. He was born Private.
More About Lloyd Coulter and Sherry Davis:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of Sherry Davis and Lloyd Coulter are:
256 i. Lloyd N.13 Coulter, born Private.
257 ii. Tony Coulter, born Private.
258 iii. Jeanna M. Coulter, born Private.
199. Henry Donald12 Hunt (Donald Reuben11, Walter Reuben10, Amanda Katura9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. He married Pam Private. She was born Private.
More About Henry Hunt and Pam:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of Henry Hunt and Pam are:
259 i. Elizabeth13 Hunt, born Private.
260 ii. Sam Hunt, born Private.
200. Donna Ruth12 Hunt (Donald Reuben11, Walter Reuben10, Amanda Katura9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private. She married Richard Butifkofer Private. He was born Private.
More About Richard Butifkofer and Donna Hunt:
Private-Begin: Private
Children of Donna Hunt and Richard Butifkofer are:
261 i. Eric13 Butifkofer, born Private.
262 ii. Emily Butifkofer, born Private.
263 iii. Evonne Butifkofer, born Private.
203. Glenn12 Timm (Philip11, Nellie10 Hunt, Amanda Katura9 Thompson, Martha Jane8 Sherman, Caleb J.7, Ring6, Rebecca5 Rider, John4, Sarah3 Bartlett, Mary2 Warren, Richard1) was born Private.
Child of Glenn Timm is:
264 i. Colin13 Timm, born Private.
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