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Doug Henning - Shame on You

At last!

Doug Henning just makes me ill.  His crime is defending TM Levitation by his silence.  When I last saw him on The Johnny Carson Show, Doug said he was invited to Europe where he would see some levitation presented by the Maharishi.  Did he see some or not?  If not, go public with it, Doug.  Admit that you've never seen it.  Save some lives.  Gullible young people go to MIU, believing they will levitate soon.  Those student loans could be spent in getting a good degree somewhere else.  These sad young people could be getting real jobs.  It's all your fault, Doug.  All your fault.

The Lathe of Heaven movie on PBS was just great, IMHO.  One Science Fiction encylopedia describes it as the best SF ever done by Public Television.  One citizen describes it as an all-time classic of science fiction.  The video may or may not become available for sale.  Here is some hopeful news about it.  I watch it periodically and would be willing to loan a copy to you.

Something about Captain Kirk's Cloaking Device bothers me.  I know I've seen it somewhere else before. But where?

Recovered Stereo consists of pairs of stereo photographs that someone has found and assembled.  A cigar box of photos may contain two pictures of Gladys in front of the cottage, and if the photographer moved a few inches left or right between successive snaps, a stereo photograph may be recoverable.  You can construct stereo pictures from videos which contain dolly shots by capturing two nearby frames.  The computer generated TV programs Reboot and War Planets are promising.  A photo containing one or more mirror reflections can sometimes be used.  You can also assemble stereo pairs from some 3D computer games such as Duke Nukem 3D and others.  Here's one for cross-eyed free-viewing from Carmageddon.  Here's another, and another and here's one from Descent. They are getting larger now.  Here's one from Carmageddon that is big and here is one from Shadow Warrior and it's animated.  Speaking of Tomb Raider, here is another.  Here are some large animated ones from Duke Nukem 3D which I've named Flick, Foot-tap, and Booth.  If you construct something in stereo you enjoy, please send it to me.

Who doesn't love Tom Swifties?

Nevermind.  How about a John Tesh Story?

Good call.  How about Answers for Life's Big Questions?
