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Blackford Wills

I transcribed the wills from photocopies of the originals obtained from the State of New Jersey. The transcription of these wills are appearing on Public Trees. Please ask permission first before taking someone transcription and publishing it as your own work, and give me credit for the transcription. Thank you, Nancy M. Boyd

The Last Will and Testament of John Blackford Sr. b. 1685 died 1749 Piscataway County, Province of East New Jersey Transcribed with difficulty as to certain terms, spelling and handwriting of the times.

In the name of God Amen this eighteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty seven. I John Blackford of Piscataway in the County of Middlesex in the Province of East New Jersey Yeoman living weary sick and weak in body but for the mind and memory thanks be given unto God therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it------? too unto allowance to due so make and to ordain this my Last Will and Testament. That is to say provisionally and first of all I give and secondary soul into the hand of God that gave it and for my body commend it to the earth to be buried in a Christian like manor at the ---- of m----------having doubt but at the General Resurrection I shall be the same again by the grace of God and as touching such worldly Estate--------? with it hath pleased God to bless in this life. I give and dispose of the same in the following manor and forms~

Item It is my will and so order that in the first place all my just debts and funeral charges be paid and satisfied our of my moveable estate by my executors assigned after named~

Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Ruth Blackford all my moveable estate that's over and above (above) paying just debts~

Item I give and bequeath unto my eldest son John Blackford the sum of twenty shillings as ----? him to ------- John Blackford my son from claiming after my ---------? (could be passage ie death etc) any of my estate either rail(real) or personal that the sum of twenty shillings as aforementioned this my Last will and testament to him given and bequeathed~

Item I bequeath to my second son Nathaniel Blackford the sum of twenty pounds money at eight sterling --- -----?~

Item I give unto my heir and youngest son Jeremiah Blackford all my plantation ------- I now live situate lying and being in Piscataway, on the south side of Bound Brook. Containing one hundred and eleven acres more or less unto him his heirs and assign forever with all that --------and ------- Him to be fairly enjoyed forever. And Jeremiah Blackford shall within one year of my passage pay the above to John and Nathaniel Blackford theirs above. My son Jeremiah Blackford shall within one year after my death pay unto my daughter Sarah Chantler the sum of 10 pounds -------at eight shillings promised to be paid to her or heirs, and also this sum of ten pounds money as above to be paid out to my second daughter Susannah Astin wife of Moses Astin, and also the sum of ten pounds money to be paid to my third daughter Mary Laing and also the sum of ten pounds to be paid out to my fourth daughter Ann. All to be paid by my son Jeremiah Blackford with this term of time above provision and that justly my will is that pleases God that my son Jeremiah Blackford die without any issue then the plantation shall be sold and equaly divided to all my children, sons and daughters everyone their equal part of the Plantation and ---- Jeremiah BlackfordI shall maintain his mother Ruth Blackford, my wife, during the time of her widowhood and to have and by that avove moveable estate----?~

And I do hereby make a point constituted and ordain my two beloved sons John Blackford and Nathaniel Blackford to be my only and soul Executors of this my Last Will and Testamont. Revising and disabling all other testaments and wills ------to by me made in word or writing and this to be taken for my Last Will and Testament and no other. In witness ------ I shall ------ bear unto set my hand and seal this day and year first above written ------- and published by this John Blackford to be his last will and testament in the presence of us}

Witnessed by Samuel Drake
C. Chantler, Isaac

Signed by John Blackford, X indicating his mark

This second will is that of John Blackford Jr. son of John Blackford Sr. of the will above.
This will was equally difficult to transcribe. This will is quite detailed and specific as to division of his moveable estate, and his heirs.

In the name of God Amen the twenty second day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty four. I John Blackford of the county of Essex, State of New Jersey. Being in healthy body and of perfect mind and memory, Thanks be given to god. Therefore and calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that is it------------for all ---- ----- To die, Do make and ordain this my last will and testament. Principally first of all I give and recommend my soul in the hand of God who gave it and for my body recommend it to be buried in a Christian like and decent manor at the direction of my Executors. Herein after named nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the Mighty Power of God and touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give and dispose in the following manner and form. Item. It is my will and so all my just debts and funeral charges be paid out of my moveable estate. I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Hannah Blackford two feather beds with their common furniture and a large Bible and a cupboard and what is in it that belongs to her for that is commonly kept in the cupboard, two iron trammels? And her choice of two iron pots, iron kettle and a brass kettle and all my pewter. Her choice of my ------and cows, (via?) one of each and four sheep and to have pasturing on that part of my land that I now live on for those creatures during her widowhood. And one third of all the remainder of my moveable estate in lieu of her right of Dowry and Dower of third of my Estate for her most comfortable support. I further will bequeath to her my wife Hannah Blackford the whole -------of the two----- of the rooms of the house I now live in and this----of one third of the Plantation I now live and which I purchased of the Executors of William Laing-------- during her widowhood. And as much provision as is necessary for her and the rest of my family that is living with me at the time of my death until they can--------the same. I like----- and that my creatures which are all my children shall respectively belong to them and to be increased as my Estate. I give and bequest the whole of the remainder two thirds of the plantation above as mentioned to my loving sons Nathaniel Blackford and Ephraim Blackford during the term that my wife also remains my widow and no longer with this proviso that they shall live------ on --- Plantation and if either of them should not live on said Plantation he that will on death is to have the others share or privileges and the remainder of my moveable estate I have not yet given away. I will bequeath to be equally divided amongst my children namely Rueben Blackford, Isiah Blackford, Benjamin Blackford, Jeremiah Blackford, Esther Blackford, Nathaniel Blackford, Ephraim Blackford, Elizabeth Blackford and to my deceased daughter Mary Kelly’s two sons, Nathaniel Kelly and Blackford Kelly equal share between two grandsons. I likewise order and empower my Executors herein after named or any two of them to make and deliver a good sufficient deed or deeds for the sure conveyance of my right to the Plantation purchased of Nathaniel Drake and that within one year after my death and the money arising from the same to be equally divided among my eight children and two grandchildren that is eight shares to my eight children and one share to my two grandsons before named which nine shares is to be equally divided and further as soon as my wife Hannah Blackbird ceases to be my widow I do order my executors to sell all the Plantation I now live on and to give a lawful deed or deeds for the same in manner as above descried and the money from such sale to be divided in nine equal shares, eight shares to be equally divided among my eight children above and one share to my two grandsons equally between them. And that twenty acre lot that I purchased of my son Benjamin Blackford I do order my executors or any two of them to sell by private sale the lot to my son Benjamin Blackford if they can agree upon the price and if they cannot agree on the price my executors are to this same in one year after my death and I do hereby empower them to gve a deed for the same either in Private or Public sale and this money arriving from either sale is to be divided in nine equal shares, eight shares to be equally divided among my eight children and the other share be equally divided between my two grandsons asfor mention, share and share alike all which----------- monies------- mentioned I gave to my eight children and two grandsons. Namely Rueben Blackbord, Isiah Blackford, Benjamin Blackbord, Ephraim Blackford, Elizabeth Blackford and the two grandchildren namely Nathaniel Kelly and Blackford Kelly sons of my deceased daughter Mary Kelly to them their heirs and assign forever. And further if either of my grandsons that is Nathaniel Kelly and Blackford Kelly should die under the age of twenty one years the survivor of them to inherit the other part of my estate and if they both die without any lawful issue not being above the age of twenty one years their legacies to revert back to my estate and be equally divided amongst all my children or the remainder of them. Likewise I do order and it my will that the legacies that is to be paid to my two grandsons Nathaniel Kelly and Blackford Kelly out of my estate be and remain in the hands of my two sons Isiah and Benjamin Blackford by them to be kept at ---- for the profit and advantage of Nathaniel Kelley and Blackford Kelly provided they arrive to the ages of twenty one years or have lawful issue as---- but in the event of their death to be accountable for the principal and interest and ----- of my estate~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lastly to do, ordain , constitute and appoint my loving sons Isiah Blackford and Benjamin Blackford and my---and ------ friend Capt. Benjamin Laing executors of this my Last Will and Testament with full power ----- either made or named and I do hereby ratify this and not other to be my last will and testament. In witness of those unto I have here unto set my hand an seal the day and year first written signed sealed published and announced. Declared by John Blackford to be his last Will and Testament. In presence of us the witnesses???
John Webster
Hugh Webster Jun.
Mary Webster
David Morris

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