E.V.P gallery 1
G.I.S. member Barbara recorded this voice in a cemetery. She had played a previously recorded EVP to three other G.I.S. members, and they where debating what it had said, when this voice was picked up on tape "It says Arthur" Roger was knocking on a door. A voice tells him to "knock it off"
A G.I.S. member was calling the name Iben, a name that we previously recorded. This voice replys "marco polo" While driving into a cemetery, the voice "go to your own place" was recorded This clip was recorded in an old pioneer cemetery, and actually has three voices in it. The entire E.V.P registers at 60.135Hz. The last one sounds like it says they're coming - it is a whisper. "They're Coming"
This voice registers at a little above 61.261Hz. It sounds like a female voice and was recorded as we first entered the same cemetery with our flashlights"They're lighting up the cemetery"
We think this lady was actually looking for us. It sounds like she asks
"Is there anybody here?"
While we were investigating a mausoleum, the voice of a young child asks
"Got some candy?"
While investigating a private residence, this voice was recorded."I Don't Know"
This voice responded after Barbara asked if we could do anything to help.
"We're Fine"
While standing outside of a mausoleum, two voices saying Hi to one another was recorded while some of the G.I.S. members where taking a little break during an investigation."Hi"
A friend of The G.I.S. recorded this voice when we were conducting an investigation at an old farm that dates back to the 1860's. There are two houses on the property, and this was recorded in the old original farm house. A man nick-named Harry died in this house, and two of his grandsons now each live in the two houses that are on the property. "Do ya dare me Harry"
This EVP was recorded by G.I.S. member Barry. It seems like anyone who listens to this hears something different. (I, myself, think it says a white one), others hear a wagon. What do you think it says?
"A black one"
G.I.S. member Barbara recorded this when she was investigating an old pioneer cemetery. Since she recorded this voice, she has looked at every headstone in that cemetery, but there is not one there with that name on it. No one in the G.I.S. is named that, so what or who the ghost is referring to is a mystery. "Near Mark Wood"
Two G.I.S. members were walking through an old building located in a cemetery, and one of them jokingly said WE'RE BACK. G.I.S. member Barry recorded this response. You may hear something different, but keep in mind, we don't control what the dead says!"Oh Fine"
The first voice is G.I.S. member Roger asking Jenny (another member) can you tell how many pictures I have left, referring to his camera. G.I.S. member Barbara recorded this voice responding to his question. We wonder if the ghost was also checking it out when it answered. It's kind of comical how it just trails off without giving the number. "Well, you have..."
G.I.S. member Barbara recorded this voice while we were investigating an old abandoned movie theater. One of the members had just complained about a previous occasion there, when a person most of us didn't know showed up. Jenny's words were, I didn't even know who this guy was, and this voice replied "I know who it was"
This voice was recorded by G.I.S. member Barry in a beautiful old theater that is well known for ghost activity. The voice has a very strong british accent."I'm British"
G.I.S member Roger was talking to Barbara about the sudden drop in temprature and how she had become cold, when this voice was recorded saying "So is the dead"
This voice was also recorded by G.I.S. member Barry in a old theater. The G.I.S. would like to make two statments about this voice. One, the woman sounds as though she is forcing the british accent much the same way an actor would. Seeing as how this is a theater it is possible this lady was an actress. The second point of interest is the voice was directly imprinted onto the tape. In other words the voice bypassed the external microphone of the AIWA TP-M920 recorder, and was imprinted directly onto the magnetic tape, at the same time this voice was recorded the EMF meter was fluxuating between 1.00Mg and 7.00Mg when it abruptly dropped to 0.01Mg, after the voice was recorded it never raised above 0.04Mg. This would show the voices are using EMF's to be heard. "Would you care to attend an evening?"
This voice was recorded by G.I.S. member Barry at the haunted theater. The voice speaks in what sounds like German and we are not sure as to what it is saying. However, if anyone can translate it, feel free to contact us. The original recording of this voice was very low. We have posted two seperate versions of this voice, one is the original, the second has been cleaned up, amplified by 10 decibals and run through an FFT filter. "German language1" original recording
"German language2" cleaned and amplified by 10 d.b.
G.I.S. member Barbara was in the parking lot of a cemetery asking if anyone was with her. As Roger started to approach her, this voice comes in saying "Hello, I'll come back"
This voice was recorded by G.I.S. member Barbara in the haunted theater. Another member is commenting on what a wonderful old theater it is when this voice was recorded "I like how it was" One interesting note, a fire had taken place in this theater many decades ago.
G.I.S. member Barry saw an orb fly past the IR camera when Barbara recorded this voice saying "Death to the Hunchback"
This voice was recorded by a friend of G.I.S., Zane, while investigating an old school building. He was looking for another G.I.S. member in the three story building at the time this voice was recorded. "You little murderin tramp"
G.I.S. member Barry and Barbara had been walking into a reportedly haunted house when this voice was recorded. They had asked would anyone like to talk when this voice replied "My House"
Interesting note Barbara and Barry both use an AIWA TP-M920 recorder and had been standing three or four feet apart at the time this voice was recorded, however only Barry recorded the voice.
Inside a different haunted house, Barry and Barbara had been walking down the stairs from the attic. They both recorded this voice that says "They're right behind you"