What a freakin' site name. What is Michael finally having an orgasm?

Be forewarned webmasters of Halloween sites. This guy will take everything and anything from your Halloween site, and try to get the credit for it. He's trying to make some little mafia of Halloween fans to go against certain people who actually caught him stealing stuff!

I once went into his site and I noticed that he had nothing, the next day I went into it and I noticed that all of the sudden he had this huge website, but the text and pictures were all stolen from another Halloween site. Then when he was caught he took it all down and started taking crap from other peoples sites. What the HELL is up with that? If you want to email him and tell him that his site sucks here is his email address!  Michael's Coming Webmaster

If you click here you will be able to read a thread from a message board where he and his little mafia attack a webmaster of a halloween site...which happens to be the same site that he got in trouble for copying!

If you would like to contact the other people in his little hate group here are their email addresses.


If you are still wondering why I hate this site and don't want people to visit it. Is this: Would you want to get information from a person who really doesn't care about the series enough? He/She could easily make something up and tell you. What I don't like is that if you don't like this guys site he will bash you, and go to other sites and bash you and whoever else. This guy doesn't care enough about Halloween to even make up his own pictures out of the pictures that he steals, it would take up too much of his precious time.