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June 12 Questions--Wally 'Joker' Hartley

June's '12 Questions' finds us with none other than career SabreCat star Wally 'Joker' Hartley, formerly known as 'Batz'...has this 180 turn in nicknames from the hero to the nemesis been reflected in a change of personality, or is he the same old Ba-, er, Joker? Let's see...

1. How do you feel about the trade that sent Pure Sugar to the Lightning for Jay Hartley?

At first as I mentioned before, I was apprehensive. Now I can't wait for the season to begin! In a way, it's almost like a new beginning! (smiles)

2. Did you deserve to be the 1998 HBL MVP?

In a way I feel I may have deserved it. I do play all-out and for my skills I did quite good in helping my team to the playoffs. Chris 'Shooter' Hartley was in fact the true MVP though, he has so many skills and he did in fact help his team to win the '98 HBL Championship!

3. How important is it to you to win an HBL title in your career?

That is a tough question. I would love for my team to win the Championship and yet, if it would not happen, I feel as though my time in the league would still have been well spent. To play against some of the other league players, that in itself is worth the effort that I put out.

4. How has your game improved since the '98 Season?

I have been shooting around a lot, both with Jay and by myself. I have more belief in my outside shot now. My shooting, even the three-pointers will be much improved over last year. Another thing is that, even though it hasn't shown as much, my layup misses will be far less than last year. One other thing I should mention is that since I will be in much better shape, my stamina should help me offensively and defensively.

5. How important is sportsmanship to Joker?

Geesh, I know where you are coming from. I want to be a good sport always, it is just that my need to win is so enormous that sometimes it looks like 'sour grapes' to others. In fact, the sportsmanship thing is important to me! Just need to show it.

6. Would being able to keep your composure improve your performance on the court?

There is no doubt that if I had more composure, this would definitely elevate my game even more. I tend to lose my concentration due to losing my composure.

7. Which NBA player do you feel you play most like?

That is a tough question. A lot of the other players in the league believe that I am like Dennis Rodman. That may be true, but I feel that I am more like a Charles Oakley or [Charles] Barkley. The reason I believe that is that the two latter players are a little more consistent and they will not accept anything but the best in their play.

8. If Joker was a comic book hero, who would he be?

Well, let's see...Joker would probably be the Submariner, because sometimes although he feels that he is doing a good thing, it is misconstrued. Joker is strong, like the Submariner and somewhat distant, too.

9. How do you feel about the addition of technical fouls this year?

I feel it may be a good idea, to tone the game down a little bit. The problem lies in the fact that a technical foul is not based on an actual foul against someone, but rather a player's reaction of the outcome of a play or event that occured.

10. How long do you think you can play in the HBL?

I am going to strive for at least five more years. This is going to take some will power in certain areas. You know, bad habits. My body is in good shape even though I may abuse it. With a little help from me five years is not out of the question.

11. Are there any parts of your game you think are 'unstoppable'?

Yes, my hook shot for one. The only time I am stoppable is when I rush my shot.

12. What's the most memorable moment of your career?

I guess I have to say the winning basket [against the Warriors last year] with the 'hookshot heard round the world'. Just a few seconds left in the game...last year's MVP guarding me and nothing but the bottom of the net!!! I enjoyed the fact that I was given the chance for the shot by my ex-teammate, Pure Sugar, who is undoubtedly the most unselfish player in the league!

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