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12 Questions--Keith "KG" Grage

This installment of 12 Questions focuses on one of 2000's most successful players, and one of the best-ever rookies in the HBL, Keith Grage! KG has been the subject of a lot of talk lately, specifically relating to whether or not he'll play in 2001. KG addresses that and more in this edition of 12 Questions...

1. Rumor is you may be playing next year?

The rumor is true. It all depends on where my internship is gonna be. I really want to play so I am going to try to do every thing in power so that is possible. Jon and I talked about the Lightning playing the last games of the day and it seems that can happen also. I hope that I get to play this next season with the HBL!

2. If you do return, would you like to play with Ryan once again on the Lightning?

Definitely! I wouldn't want it any other way! Unless he doesn't play in the league. We work very well together and we have the same style of play. Ryan and I didn't take long to mesh together and that is the one thing I was scared of, both of us being too shy with one another and not being able to work together and do something with the ball. Now I know what Ryan is capable of and he knows what I can do, so I wouldn't want to try and get someone to take his spot. I will be able to get more passes to him because I am sure he is now aware of the type of situations where I will get the ball to him. I am really hoping that the Lightning will be back again this coming summer!

3. What did you think of your first HBL season?

Awesome! That is the one word I can use to sum it up. It was fun, exciting, and very competitive. The stuff I love! I liked the way I played and the teammates that I had. I hope that things work out that I could play in the league for another 30 years! Well, if it goes that long. I always heard about the league but it was much better experiencing the HBL!

4. You started the season with Bryce and looked unbeatable, starting 6-0. Bryce couldn't continue though, and you ended up with Ryan, still successful but not making it to the Finals. Did you get shafted?

No way! I had a great teammate in Bryce, and playing with him was cool but with Ryan it was so much better! Bryce was a player that really didn't need anyone. He could have gone 6-0 with Bill to be honest. I was only there just in case he got in trouble and I don't like playing like that. I put up some big numbers with Bryce because players would forget about me because of him. I also didn't like the fact that I was told by Bryce that I could or could not shoot sometimes. That is not having confidence in your teammate. With Ryan, it was more of a team effort. We worked together to win. And if we lost, it was close and we should have won. I felt at times I took a leadership role and there were other times that Ryan took the reigns. I liked it that way because we trusted each other and confidence that one of us was going to make something happen. The playoffs were a fluke and the league knows that we should have been there. That's ok because if we are together next year, then you will see the Lightning in the Finals.

5. What elements of your game are you looking to improve in the offseason?

I want to lower my turnovers by not forcing the ball and making sure Ryan and I are communicating on the same page. I feel that will not be a problem if we are together again. I also want to raise my 3 point percentage and shooting percentage because they were pretty low for my expectations. I am also going to turn up the intensity, so I am warning the league, that if I get to play, I will be all over even more than last year. I am stronger and faster and I am in the best shape of my life and it will just get better. I am one fired up S.O.B.!

6. Tell us about what you think your biggest rivalry is in the HBL?

That would be the Warriors. We had the best games against them and my rivalry with Jon will always continue. He brings the best out in me every time we play.

7. You were very successful in your rookie year, having one of the best-ever all-around seasons in HBL history. Did you expect to perform so well?

All during preseason, all I heard about was some stupid B.S. about a ROOKIE CURSE! I kept denying it, yet the whole league was on my back about how I was just going to roll over and die. It was in Pure's column, and Jon mentioned it few times. I just told myself that I needed to prove the league wrong. The very first week that is what I intended to do right from the start. Even before we started, players were chanting "Rookie Curse, Rookie Curse." I took it to heart and I got fired up and I ran my ass around and put up good enough numbers to have a triple-double my first game. So, to answer the question about the, I wasn't surprised, I was prepared! I was waiting for the moment when I got to prove myself and I did with the numbers that I put up. All preseason I was soaking in all the ridicule and criticism that the players were spitting at me and I spit it back out on the court and it felt good. If I get to play next summer, I hope that everyone is prepared to see me even more intense and fired up because this time around I am NOT going to let my team miss the finals! And I know that Ryan will be right there with me sharing the fun and excitement as we will have an amazing year!

8. Last year you had a lot of there any specific accomplishment or game you're most proud of?

I am very proud of being the 3rd-best overall player in the league. {Editor's Note-According to the "All-Around Player" stat rankings} That is a very big accomplishment for me as a rookie. I was able to come out and show the league what I had and put up some big numbers. I am also happy to have a couple of records now such as the assist record and field goal percentage by a team. It feels really good.

9. If there was anything you could change about the 2000 season, what would it be?

To play each game without disruptions and that each game be thrilling to watch and play. There were a few where there were fights and I was in a lot of them, but it doesn't make things run smoothly. Although the fights and yelling were quite entertaining!

10. Besides winning the HBL Title, obviously, what are your goals for next season?

To put up even better numbers than this last year! To come out with more explosiveness and intensity. The more I am fired up, the more fired up my teammate will be and it will be hard for other players to match two fired up, all-over type of players. I will be fun to watch! LOOK OUT HERE I COME!!!! Everyone better look behind them when they get the ball.

11. Seriously, who has the best ass in the league? Come on now...

I am still going to go with my ass! Many people love my ass. I have a runner's ass and it is nice and strong. I even like touching my own butt....WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!

12. You seem really happy teaming with Ryan. Who else in the league do you think you'd have fun playing with?

I would have fun playing with anyone. If Ryan can't play and I can, I would love to play with Jon. We would have fun passing the ball back and forth, both trying to get the assist. I would like to play with anyone but I want to stick with Ryan if at all possible because we won't have to adjust to new people again..we can continue where we left off last year! Here comes the new and Ryan of course!

The HBL Insider thanks Keith for being the subject of this edition of 12 Questions!

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