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May 12 Questions--Craig 'Pure Sugar' Hartley

That's right, May's '12 Questions' is with none other than the Pure One, the Lightning's Craig Hartley. Since this is the first installment of '12 Questions', you might wonder why there are 12, what's significant about that number? Well, there are 12 minutes in each half of an HBL game. And I didn't want to use 20, so it seemed like a good enough number. Anyway, here it is...

1. Why did you demand the trade that sent you to the Lightning for Jay Hartley?

Ooh...That's a nice little question...I demanded it because playing with Batz usually did nothing but frustrate me. For example, I'd be sitting their wide open, clapping for the ball, and he'd still take three attempts at a layup and give the other team the ball. I'm sick of tolerating his bitching and smoking habits.

2. How do you feel about your rookie season?

(thinks)The first couple of weeks were rough, but eventually I showed up...but I can guarantee that I'll be here all year this year.

3. What makes you 'Pure Sugar'?

Well, I'm a truly 'pure' athlete, with a shot as sweet as 'sugar'.

4. How will you fit with Bryce as a team?

Me and Bryce have played pickup games before and performed very well, so why would anybody think that we can't do it now? Plus, you put two pimps on a team and they're sure to be good!

5. Are you two legitimate contenders?

Well, I think we can pretty much rule out the SabreCats, we know we can handle the Titans, so it looks like it's just us and the Warriors. Therefore we ARE contenders.

6. What about your comments that Jay Hartley is 'trash' that you made a while ago?

Just like I said, when it comes to him being on the court, he is 'pure' trash.

7. How will your second season be different from your first?

Different teammate, therefore no, you know, a teammate who is physically fit will help me perform. Plus over the past year me and the other teams will have beef with each other, which will make me want to tear them apart even more!

8. As one of the single HBL studs, what kind of woman is Pure Sugar looking for?

(smiles, laughs)Oh my God...OK, well, preferably looking for a girl about my size, nice blond hair, blue eyes, and an attitude like our fan [Warrior's player Jon Hartley's girlfriend] Kristen Scheper...I think Kristen has a perfect attitude about things.

9. If Pure Sugar was a comic book hero, who would he be?

Hmmm...(smiles)Damn!(thinks)I'd say Daredevil...we're both the underdog, but we both come through.

10. What NBA player do you most play like?

Well, with my newfound driving skills, I would have to say Scottie Pippen. All-around shooter and an excellent passer.

11. What have you improved most on since last season?

More than anything, my driving. And I think a big part of my new attitude will come into play this year.

12. What's the most memorable moment of your career?

I'd have to say when my former teammate made an astonishing hook shot [now known as 'The Shot'] to beat the Warriors last year.

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