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1997 Game One--SabreCats 52, Warriors 50

SabreCats 52, Warriors 50
(26-25 at half)
Player   Pts. FG/Att 3P/Att OReb DReb Total Ast Stl Blk TO F
Shooter   27  13/28    1/5    3   18    21   4   2   5   4 0
Dee       23  11/31    1/7    3    5     8   6   2   1   3 0
Warriors  50  24/59   2/12    6   23    29  10   4   6   7 0

Player Pts. FG/Att 3P/Att OReb DReb Total Ast Stl Blk TO F Joker 26 12/38 2/8 10 14 24 5 2 0 2 7 Bill 23 11/34 1/6 5 9 14 3 1 0 6 1 SabreCats 49 23/72 3/14 15 23 38 8 3 0 8 8

Key -- Pts.=points FG=field goals 3P=3-pointers OReb=offensive rebounds DReb=defensive rebounds Total=total rebounds Ast=assists Stl=steals Blk=blocks TO=turnovers F=fouls

Commentators=Lee Pekios, Craig Hartley

Game Overview=Surprisingly close game in which the Warriors took off fast, but the big underdogs, the SabreCats, came back. The Warriors led the entire first half but by halftime the SabreCats were only down 1, behind surprising scoring by Bill (13 pts at half) and 12 first-half rebounds by Joker.

In the second half, the Warriors maintained the lead, leading by as much as 7 before the SabreCats took their first lead of the game with 5:15 left on a Joker basket. From there, the lead changed constantly, with the Warriors leading 50-49 with 50 seconds left. Each team had scoreless possessions before finally, with 3 seconds left, Bill Carter nailed what can only be called an improbable three-pointer to take a 52-50 SabreCats lead! Dee attempted a last-second shot to tie but it was off, and the SabreCats shocked the world by taking a 1-0 series lead over the heavily-favored Warriors.

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