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1998 Week Two-Lightning 76, Warriors 70 (OT)

Lightning 76, Warriors 70 (OT)
(24-18 at half)
Player   Pts. FG/Att 3P/Att OReb DReb Total Ast Stl Blk TO F
Bryce     43  21/35    1/3    4   15    19   5   2   2   3 1
Jay       33  16/49    1/3    3   21    24   8   1   0   1 1
Lightning 76  37/84    2/6    7   38    43  13   3   2   4 2

Player Pts. FG/Att 3P/Att OReb DReb Total Ast Stl Blk TO F Dee 39 17/41 5/16 6 13 19 9 0 1 7 0 Shooter 31 14/40 3/14 1 21 22 10 1 1 1 2 Warriors 70 31/81 8/30 7 34 41 19 1 2 8 2

Key -- Pts.=points FG=field goals 3P=3-pointers OReb=offensive rebounds DReb=defensive rebounds Total=total rebounds Ast=assists Stl=steals Blk=blocks TO=turnovers F=fouls

Commentators=Joker Hartley, PureSugar

Game Overview=A notable game for a few reasons:it was the first HBL overtime game, and also possibly the most controversial game in HBL history. It started out innocently enough, with the surging Lightning taking a 10 point lead and carrying it basically throughout the contest. However, some Dee 3-pointers and good defense brought the Warriors back. Then, the "call" happened. The Warriors were up, 50-49 with 10 seconds left. Jay drove in wildly, ran into the pole as he missed his layup, and out of desperation cryed foul. The Warriors were absolutely dumb-founded by the call, as were the announcers, but they reluctantly game the Lightning the ball, and Bryce nailed a shot to bring the Lightning up 1. Shooter missed a last-second three and the argument was on. The play was reviewed over and over, with no one being able to identify any kind of foul. Therefore, in the spirit of sportsmanship the teams played a five-minute overtime. However, it did the Warriors no good as Bryce and Jay were too much, pulling out the six-point victory. Bryce showed signs of his future self, knocking down a league-record 43 points in the game.

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