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1998 Week Four-Warriors 80, Lightning 55

Warriors 80, Lightning 55
(31-8 at half)
Player   Pts. FG/Att 3P/Att OReb DReb Total Ast Stl Blk TO F 
Dee       40  16/29   8/15    5    9    14   8   2   0   6 2
Shooter   40  19/36    2/7    5   23    28  10   2   2   2 1
Warriors  80  35/65  10/22   10   32    42  18   4   2   8 3

Player Pts. FG/Att 3P/Att OReb DReb Total Ast Stl Blk TO F Bryce 28 11/34 6/10 0 7 7 5 2 1 0 1 Jay 27 12/31 3/7 2 10 12 4 2 0 2 2 Lightning 55 23/65 9/17 2 17 19 9 4 1 2 3

Key -- Pts.=points FG=field goals 3P=3-pointers OReb=offensive rebounds DReb=defensive rebounds Total=total rebounds Ast=assists Stl=steals Blk=blocks TO=turnovers F=fouls

Commentators=Joker Hartley, PureSugar

Game Overview=An absolute slaughter. The Warriors play what many call the most impressive offensive game in HBL history. They hit their first six, and get off to a 13-4 start. The Lightning narrow it to 19-13, but a Shooter dunk starts a 10-2 run. In the second half, the onslaught continues, as Dee drops 6 second-half threes and Shooter adds some more sweet plays of his own. This win kept the Warriors in the hunt to get into the 1998 HBL Finals.

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