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1999 HBL Finals Stats

Titans 58, SabreCats 38
Player  Pts  FG/Att 3P/Att FT/Att Reb  Ast  Stl Blk  TO  Fouls 
Jay      22   11/33   0/4    0/0  12    5    2   0    2    2   
Joker    16    8/32   0/5    0/0  24    2    1   0    1    3   
Cats     38   19/65   0/9    0/0  36    7    3   0    3    5   

Player Pts FG/Att 3P/Att FT/Att Reb Ast Stl Blk TO Fouls Domino 40 18/29 2/7 2/4 7 6 0 5 2 1 PSugar 18 6/12 5/9 1/2 7 6 1 0 1 2 Titans 58 24/41 7/16 3/6 14 12 1 5 3 3

SabreCats 59, Titans 44
Player  Pts  FG/Att 3P/Att FT/Att Reb  Ast  Stl Blk  TO  Fouls 
Jay      34   16/37   1/8    1/2  13    3    1   3    4    1   
Joker    25   12/16   0/1    1/2  21    5    1   0    3    4   
Cats     59   28/53   1/9    2/4  34    8    2   3    7    5   

Player Pts FG/Att 3P/Att FT/Att Reb Ast Stl Blk TO Fouls Domino 27 12/38 3/14 0/0 6 6 3 3 0 4 PSugar 17 6/11 5/10 0/0 1 2 3 0 2 2 Titans 44 18/49 8/24 0/0 7 8 6 3 2 6

SabreCats 53, Titans 39
Player  Pts  FG/Att 3P/Att FT/Att Reb  Ast  Stl Blk  TO  Fouls 
Jay      34   13/47   1/7    3/4   9    3    2   2    3    3   
Joker    19    9/19   0/0    1/2  32    7    1   1    2    0   
Cats     53   22/66   1/7    4/6  41   10    3   3    5    3   

Player Pts FG/Att 3P/Att FT/Att Reb Ast Stl Blk TO Fouls Domino 28 12/33 4/18 0/0 9 4 2 8 2 1 PSugar 11 4/14 3/12 0/0 4 3 1 0 1 3 Titans 39 16/47 7/30 3/6 13 7 3 8 3 4

Player  PPG  FG/Att  %   3P/Att  %  FT/Att  %  RPG  APG SPG BPG TOPG F
Jay     30.0 40/118 .339  2/19 .105  4/6  .667*10.7 3.7 1.7*1.7  3.0 6 
Joker   20.0 29/67  .433* 0/6  .000  2/4  .500 25.7*4.7 1.0 0.3  2.0 7 
Cats    50.0 69/185 .373  2/25 .080  6/10 .600 35.3 8.3 2.7 2.0  5.0 13

Player  PPG  FG/Att  %   3P/Att  %  FT/Att  %  RPG  APG SPG BPG TOPG F
Domino  31.7*42/110 .382  9/39 .231  2/4  .500 7.3  5.3*1.7*5.3* 1.3*6 
PSugar  15.3 16/37  .432  13/31.419* 1/2  .500 4.0  3.7 1.7*0.0  1.3*7 
Titans  47.0 58/147 .395  22/70.314  3/6  .500 11.3 9.0 3.3 5.3  2.7 13

*=Led Finals In Category

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