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SabreCats 42, Titans 17

(18-6 at half)
Player   Pts. FG/Att 3P/Att FT/Att Reb Ast Stl Blk TO F
Jay       24  12/30   0/2    0/0    14  7   4   1   2 3
Joker     18   9/39   0/1    0/0    33  5   1   0   1 4
SabreCats 42  21/69   0/3    0/0    47  12  5   1   3 0

Player Pts. FG/Att 3P/Att FT/Att Reb Ast Stl Blk TO F Bill 3 1/11 1/6 0/0 15 2 0 0 3 3 Domino 14 7/43 0/12 0/0 17 0 2 3 2 2 Titans 17 8/54 1/18 0/0 32 2 2 3 5 5

Key -- Pts.=points FG=field goals 3P=3-pointers OReb=offensive rebounds DReb=defensive rebounds Total=total rebounds Ast=assists Stl=steals Blk=blocks TO=turnovers F=fouls

Commentators=Dee Hartley, Shooter Hartley

Game Overview=This game will go down in HBL history, even though it was horrible to watch, for many reasons. For one, it was the HBL debut of current two-time scoring champ, Domino Hendrickson. For another, he played what will probably always be the worst game of his HBL career, as the Rookie Curse was at its best. Also, it was the start of a season-long rampage of dominance by the SabreCats, who's mix of dominant inside play and tough d would help them have a great season. Finally, it was the last-ever game at Lourdes Church, before the league moved to its current site, Lilly Park.

The game itself defines "pasty". The SabreCats were good, with Jay taking the reins and having a great all-around game that helped him earn co-MVP of Week 1. Joker had trouble shooting, but reaffirmed his rebounding dominance with an amazing 33 boards. Meanwhile, the Titans just plain sucked. 8/54 shooting. 1/18 3's. We had come to expect Bill's performance, but Domino's was shocking. Even when he penetrated the tough SabreCat d, he would miss his layups. He did have 17 rebounds, 2 steals and 3 blocks for a solid all-around game, but in the end, the unkind rim of Lourdes Church's parking lot and the strength of the Rookie Curse were too much to overcome.

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