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The Pure One Speaks--January, 2000


The new Millenium has come upon us and so far the HBL is all set up to be the best year in the business we've chosen. Five teams are scheduled for the HBL 2000 year and everyone is without a doubt out to prove something to everyone else.

Emerging together after being abandoned by their teammates are PureSugar (me) and none other than the most electrifying scorer in HBL history, Shooter. It's only right that the most accurate 3-point shooters in the game demand themselves as the new team and with one video tape viewed by the world...The Killer Bees have emerged into the HBL. The Killer Bees are definitely a team that's got God on it's side when making it to the finals along with the Warriors if Dee Hartley can have the big year like he says he will every year, but let's face it...He's never gonna have a great year. Mediocre is his middle name.

The only team from 1999 returning together for the 2000 year are the defending champions (it hurts to say that), The SabreCats featuring the far from "stunning" Jay Hartley and deteriorating Joker who has made his reappearance in the HBL questionable due to a herniated back. If Joker decides to come back, look for him to be much slower and out of it as he continues his streak of becoming less of the Joker (or Batz) we once saw in 97 and 98. This is gonna force Jay Hartley to have no choice, but to lead the S.Cats to any chance at a second Championship appearance and if your like me, you know that there is no chance in hell that Jay could ever lead a team to greatness when we've got four other teams gunnin' for their asses worse than any mafia man named Sonny. I feel that the tough teams for Joker and Jay will be the Killer Bees as Jay can't hold Chris down and Joker loves to play the inside while PureSugar (me) plays the outside. Obviously they won't be able to handle the Warriors and Jay will have major struggles with one of our rookies Courtney. The S. Cats are in for a long year of taking it right up the tail pipe.

Now we have another rookie taking up a spot for the Lightning. Franchise player Bryce "Brown Sugar" Caldwell returns as he is teamed with "KG" Keith Grage. Keith a player who wants to shoot the three's and drive the ball in is clearly nothing more than a PureSugar wannabe, but when he steps into Sugar Land, he's gonna realize that PureSugar can't be duplicated...Only immitated. Bryce however is definitely the leader on the team, but he seems to have problems driving the ball even though he can take it in on just about everyone with ease except for Shooter and Domino. Tough teams for The Lightning will be every team this year as I predict them taking the last place slot.

Now we have the two newest rookies, Ryan Pranslgoameoagjaoeinbnalj or whatever his name is and then you've got the BIG BLACK MAN! Courtney Thomas standing at 6'3, 220lbs. is without a doubt the man who can take anyone in and take any rebound he can get within a few feet of. However neither Ryan nor Courtney have the skills to be a team leader and I feel that these two are gonna feel what it's like to be second to last as they fill the #4 slot in the rankings only because they have great height on The Lightning. If Courtney was 5'8 and only 170lbs., They would be in last place without a shadow of a doubt.

Now we're onto the team I like to talk about the most. We've got the Warriors now replacing last years REAL MVP Domino along with Dee Hartley, the HBL'er who thinks every year is gonna be his year, but "his year" is something that won't come around till about the year 3000 cause that's how long it's gonna take him to lose all that weight and practice. Dee Hartley in a 5'10 frame is up to a amazing 190lbs. going for that amazing 200lb mark. Can you imagine the announcements for HBL this year. On this pace he'll be as big as Courtney in weight for the HBL 2000. You know what I see, I see Derek taking 80 shots a game and Dee taking 10 with 6 bricks off the rim. Derek may be able to work it inside, but he's still gonna have a hell of a time with the teams trying to score. Shooter, Jay and Courtney will all have their way with him. Well the SabreCats will get the best of him considering that every time he drives in on them the S. Cats feel the need to scratch and claw at his wrists so that he doesn't score and that in my opinion is a great reason for every team to charge after the S. Cats. Not just cause of Derek, how about the constant bitching and childishness of Joker. Just watch the HBL 1999 Championship tape and see how Joker acts like a baby as he kicks balls, yells and argues with himself after getting blown out of the first game. It only makes you wish they lost that second or third game.

Well after saying my peace, I'm looking forward to all of you giving me your angry opinions about it and you better be prepared for Killer Bees cause this year, we're on the swarm for all your asses cause we take our vitamins, say our prayers and drink our milk!


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