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Ryan Rants-12/8/00

Ryan Rants--4/11/01 Special Edition: Preseason Rankings w/ explanations

Here are the offical "Ryan Rants" preseason rankings from worst to best, from bottom to top, from shit to gold, from, aww hell you know what I mean.

The Fourth-Place award goes to (drumroll) the SabreCats. Although Jay's 1999 Season MVP and the SabreCats two consecutive Finals appearances with one title are impressive, I feel the loss of the greatest rebounder in HBL history is this team's downfall. I know many people have voiced their disgust with Joker Hartley's on-court behavior...I'll even admit that I am one of them, but Lee Eberhart is no Joker. I've played with Sir Swish in a few games and I know some of his playing ability. The boy has no D. Whoever has him guarding them will have a hay day driving, shooting, and just plain scoring. For this team to win, Lee will have to step up on defense. As for Jay, for him to play well he will have to look past his newly-acquired teammate's faults on the court and just play some tough ball. We know he can drive and make the layup with ease, but will he be able to do it with a teamate he hasn't meshed with? Only time will tell with this team.

On a scale of 1 to 10 they rate a harsh 2.5.

I am reluctantly giving third place to my former team the Lightning. As much as it hurts me to bash my former teammate, I have to. His first problem is his height. Sure he is probably the quickest guy on the court, but it is going to be hard for him to shoot over most of the players in this league. I'll quote Dee Hartley as he said something along the lines of Keith being a guy in shape who can shoot the three. And besides hustle for loose balls, that is all he can do. He rarely makes layups. I know cause I saw it time and time again both during the games and on the game tapes. The only game you will see out of the Lightning will be from Keith's teammate Shooter Hartley. Shooter can do it all; drive, shoot, make layups, play defense, and re...nevermind, he can't do everything. I'll come right out and say that the boy doesn't box out enough to rebound well. If this team wants to see any chance of winning Shooter will have to rebound.

On the scale they rate a decent 5.

Second place goes to..........the Titans. We will start off with the Pure One. He lacks the same qualities that Keith does, but we take it one step further and take away the in-shape and quick parts. Time and time again PureSugar has relied on the three-point shot to gain his reputation and success. I won't doubt that success, because it was on my ass that he hit 6 straight threes. But sooner or later it is going to be his downfall, and I feel this is his year. I feel he will come through good, but not good enough. The only player on this team that will give it any life at all is the "Big Nasty" Bruce Kreider. He is a rookie and will feel the effects of the famed "Rookie Curse," but this guy is 6'8" for Christ's sakes. Let's hope he doesn't strain his back while Sugar is riding it all season.

Their preseason rating is a doubtful 7.

And last but not least we have "MY" preseason number one team the Warriors. There isn't much I can say bad about this team except that Dee will be saddling up Domino just as Sugar will be to Big Nasty. Dee likes to think that he is just as good as, if not better than me. Hahahahaha. I'll admit Dee can play, but only when he has his mind set on it. Get him distracted and he is for shit. Now we have Domino. Quite possibly the best player ever to grace the HBL courts. His only flaw is that he doesn't pass very often. It will take a few games for him and Dee to mesh, but when they do it will be pure beauty. This may be the best thing that has ever happened to Dee since slumping the past few years. And Domino is going to be playing with a teamate who will put up bigger numbers.

They get a great rating of 8.5!

That is all I have to say, and if you don't like it, TOO BAD!

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