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Ryan Rants-3/12/03

Ryan Rants--3/12/03

Guess who's back? That's right... It's me, it's me, it's R...L...P! I'm back with my column "Ryan Rants" to talk to all you pansy asses out there about how my team, the Warriors, is going to run rampant over the league this summer. If you really sit down and think about it, who is our competition? Is there really any team out there who is capable of beating us for the championship?

To answer it simply... NOPE! I'll admit, the Titans might squeak out a few wins during the regular season, but when it comes down to the "dog-days" of summer and we are playing in the Finals (that's if the Titan's can get by the Lightning) there is no chance in hell they can beat us 2 out of 3 on the same day. It just isn't possible. I can not even fathom the thought of that occuring. Is this just a bunch of cockiness from the man formally referred to as Fieldy? YOU DAMN STRAIGHT IT IS! But it's more than just being cocky, it's a whole lot of confidence in myself and my teammate.

I know what you are all saying... "But Ryan, how can you win, when the league MVP is going to be on another team?" F'k that! I know that Shooter is by far the best "player" in the league, but he isn't on the best "team". Dee and I will play together well and have already shown we mesh well on the court. Shooter will have to outplay even his own abilities as a player to come close to what Jon and I can do on the court.

"But Ryan, how can you win, when two of the HBL's most promising rookies since 2000 are going to be joining the ranks?" I can't even believe that anyone has the audacity to ask me that. Lee "Sir Swish" Eberhart and "Dirty B" Brian Burmiester? True, they may very well be two of the most promising rookies, but they are only promising 'cause they are the only rookies. Let me ask you this: what do you get when you put two rookies on the same team? Answer: In the case of Lee and Brian..... A LOSING RECORD(If they even get a win). Even KG and I had a losing record and we were pretty good players in respect to the rest of the league at the time.

What do I think about preseason rankings?

Teams: 1st: Warriors 2nd: Titans 3rd: Lightning

MVP: Shooter (with Dee coming close) Rookie of the Year: sorry Sir Swish, but this goes to Dirty B

And as for myself? We'll just have to wait and see.

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